Accessing Reports

A new version of Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 7.2.x is now available. We highly recommend you upgrade. Find more details here.

Accessing Reports

After every test execution, Qualitia generates the test execution report. You can view the test execution report for a specific Release Number, Date, or Executions of the application under test.

  • Software Release: A software release is the private or public distribution of an initial or upgraded version of a software product.
  • Software Build: Builds are enhancements and fixes made on the application under test within a release, which are delivered to the test team to perform tests on these builds.

To view a test execution report:

  1. Click Report.
    The Reports screen appears. This is a Report List. The status of the latest twenty suites within the current project is listed in a tabular format.
    These Suites are sorted on the Generation Date in descending order.
    You can apply filters based on Generated on Date, Release, and/or the Suite to view a specific report.
  2. Click the Show Calendar drop-down arrow and select Date, if required.
  3. Click the Select Release drop-down arrow and select Release Number.
  4. Click the Select Suite drop-down arrow and select Suite.
  5. Click Go.
    The list of Test Execution Reports related to the selected values appears on the screen.
  6. To view a detailed Test Execution Report of an execution, double-click a specific execution in the report list.
    A detailed test execution report and logs for a specific execution appear on the screen.

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