Working with Tasks

A new version of Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 7.2.x is now available. We highly recommend you upgrade. Find more details here.

Working with Tasks

After creating objects in Qualitia, you need to create tasks. A Task is a set of activities that leads to a common test objective. It is a collection of steps. A step in a task consists of "object + action" to be performed on that object, along with parameters associated with the action, if any. The orderly arrangement of steps in a task is essential to maintain logical sequence of test execution.

Qualitia allows you to create tasks and use them in test automation. You can reuse tasks multiple times within a single test case or across different test cases.

Qualitia allows you to perform task-related functions in Qualitia from two screens, the Task screen on Develop tab and the Test Case screen on Develop tab during test case development.

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