Installing Qualitia Client

Installing Qualitia Client

Install Qualitia using Configuration Software Management Systems or Group Policy Object (GPO)

Qualitia supports the central deployment of Qualitia clients. IT administrators can deploy Qualitia client using tools such as configuration software management systems or group policy object (GPO). It helps in automating the deployment of Qualitia clients by the IT administrators so that end users can install clients without requiring administrator privileges.

In order to do so, the IT or system administrator must deploy the following components on the systems where you want to install Qualitia clients. You can either install these components individually or add them into your configuration software management systems or group policy object (GPO). Qualitia bundles all these components with Qualitia installable.

You can use the commands mentioned below to install these components.

  1. Sentinel License Manager: It helps Qualitia client to connect to the license server.

    call Support_Packages\haspdinst.exe -i -nomsg
  2. Qualitia for Desktop Shared Components.msi

    msiexec /i "SharedComponents\Qualitia_for_Desktop_Shared_Components.msi" /quiet
  3. Qualitia Client Setup.msi

    msiexec /i "Client\Setup.msi" /quiet

Once an IT administrator deploys these components, the Qualitia user can install Qualitia client without requiring any administrator privileges.

To install Qualitia client:

  1. Log on to the machine where you want to install Qualitia Client.

  2. Go to %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Qualitia for Desktop Client x.x.x Installer.

  3. Double-click QualitiaQTPClient.exe.

  4. Review and accept the end-user license agreement and click Install.

  5. After the installation, click Finish.
    You can now launch Qualitia using a desktop icon and start working.

Install Qualitia Clients with Local Administrator Privileges

In case you have the administrator privileges to the machine, you can install Qualitia using setup.exe.

In order to work with Qualitia client, it is mandatory to install the Sentinel License Manager. If found missing, Qualitia initiates the installation of Sentinel License Manager.

To install Qualitia client using setup.exe:

  1. Open the Client folder where you have downloaded the Qualitia Software package.
    Executing Setup.exe from file server may take longer time. Therefore, it is recommended to copy Setup.exe on the local temporary folder.

  2. Double-click Setup.exe.

  3. System will ask for permission to run the application, click Yes.
    The Qualitia License Agreement screen appears.

  4. Once you have reviewed the agreement, select Yes, I accept the terms…, and then click Next.
    The Qualitia Installer screen appears.

  5. Once installed successfully, click Finish.
    You can now start working with Qualitia.

  6. To launch Qualitia, double-click the Qualitia icon on your desktop.

  7. Qualitia checks whether the Sentinel License Manager is installed. If found missing, it asks permission to install the same.
    To install Sentinel License Manager, you must have local administrator privileges.

  8. Click OK.
    System will ask permission to install Sentinel License Manager.

  9. Enter administrator credentials and click OK.
    Once the installation is completed, you can continue logging into Qualitia as usual.

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