Installing Qualitia Server

Installing Qualitia Server

Qualitia recommends using File Share to keep Qualitia installable. This will help you to easily apply product updates in future.

To install Qualitia Server:

  1. Ensure you have activated product license for Qualitia. 
  2. Open File Share where you have kept Qualitia installable. 
  3. Open the Server folder.

    Executing Setup.exe from file server may take longer time. Therefore, it is recommended to copy Setup.exe on the local temporary folder.

  4. Double-click Setup.exe.
    The Welcome to the Qualitia Setup Wizard screen appears.
  5. Click Next.
    The Database Server Details section appears.

    Database Type

    Select the Database server (MySQL or MS SQL Server). 


    Enter the Host Name or IP address of Database Server.


    Enter the port number of the Database Server.

    The default value for MySQL is 3306.

    The default value for SqlServer is 1433.

    Contact Database Administrator for the port number of your database server. 

    Database Name

    Enter the database name.


    (For SqlServer only)

    Select Authentication mode.

    SqlServer Authentication: Login with SQL Server user account (Enter User ID and Password).

    Windows Authentication: Login with Windows account.

    User ID

    Enter database server User ID.


    Enter database server Password.

  6. Click Next.
    The Admin User Details screen appears.

  7. Enter admin credentials.

    Remember these credentials to access Qualitia for the first time as Qualitia Administrator. Qualitia administrator can create new user accounts directly in Qualitia or by accessing user accounts from your local LDAP. 

    User Name

    Enter the desired username for the administrator user.


    Enter the desired password for the admin user account.

    Confirm Password

    Enter the password again for confirmation.

  8. Click Next.
    The Qualitia Update Location screen appears. 

    Qualitia update location is the network shared location where Qualitia will look for update packages. Qualitia admin is expected to copy Qualitia update packages, when they are available, in the respective folders. Users can use the same folders created to save Qualitia installable on File Server. All Qualitia users should have Read Access to these folders.

  9. Enter the details as follows;


    Enter the location where Qualitia Server will check for updates in future.


    Enter the location where Qualitia Client will check for updates in future.

  10. Click Next.
    The Confirm Installation screen appears.
  11. Click Install.
    The installation will get started and after a successful installation, the Installation Complete screen appears. 
  12. Click Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Please refer to the Troubleshooting section in case you face any error when installing Qualitia Server.

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