Launching the Debugger

Launching the Debugger

Qualitia users can launch the Debugger from the test cases screen.

Qualitia test case development view allows you to perform following operations related to the debugger:

  1. Add or Remove the break-point at any step of test case by clicking the line numbers. 
    You can add/remove the breakpoints on the Debugger windows as well.
  2. Clear All Breakpoints right-clicking the step with a single click.
  3. Skip / Unskip the steps from executing / debugging right-clicking the step.  
    For more information about the Skip functionality, refer to the Skip feature documentation.
  4. Launch the debugger window clicking the Start button. 
  5. View the detailed debugging logs of the last test cases clicking the Log button.
  6. Shift the focus to any line number of the test case using the Go To button.

Start Debugger

Once you have added all the required break-points, you can start debugging test case. 

  1. Click the Start button to start debugging the current test cases. 
    (info) During debugging test case, the development view is not available for editing.
  2. Click the Stop button when you want to stop/pause the execution of selected test case. 
    This will still keep the debugger window open. You can directly close the debugger window as well which will stop debugging of the test case.
  3. Click the Log button in Qualitia Automation Studio to view the detailed logs of the last executed test case.
    (tick) The option to stop the debugging at any point in time is only available when you are debugging using F6 / Next command () or currently waiting at the break-point. 

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