Getting familiar with Debugger Controls

Getting familiar with Debugger Controls

1. Test Case Name

The Debugger Window title bar shows the test case name being debugged.

2. Test Case Iterations

A drop-down list containing the test case iteration numbers, its current execution status, and data set tag information. At all times the test case iteration status is updated as per its execution status.

For more information, please refer to the Status section below.

3. Execution, Detail and Change Log Views

Qualitia logs are divided into 3 different parts as follows;

  • The Execution view displays the Debugger test case view which in-turn shows the tasks, task iterations, data and so on per test case iteration.
  • Detail view displays the step execution details.
  • Change log view displays the details of all the steps that have been modified during debugging.

4. Add / Remove Break-Points

You can add/remove break-points before or between executions (when debugger is paused). The break-points that are added from test case development view are maintained in the debugger view and vice versa. The break-points are saved locally on your system and are not shared across Qualitia users.

5. Status Flags

Qualitia uses following flags to indicate the status of the test step being executed. These statuses apply to all test steps except for an IF-ELSE condition, task name or all the steps that are skipped in execution due to OnError condition:

6. Step Under Execution

A test step which is next step to be executed and has the execution pointer highlighting it is the step under execution. Only after you press Next or Play buttons the step is executed.

7. Debugger on Top

Selecting this option keeps the debugger window on top of all the other applications. Deselect it to allow other windows overlapping the debugger view which can cause debugger window to be hidden behind other application windows. 

8. Execution State

Depicts the current state of the test case execution which can be:

  • Not Executed
  • In-Progress
  • Completed

9. Debugger Toolbar

The debugger toolbar allows you to control all your actions after the debugger is launched.


1Break on Failure

Select this checkbox if you want to auto break/pause the debugger on a failed step during the test case execution.

Qualitia Configuration properties

(Keyboard shortcut key F1)

Displays the Qualitia configuration settings set when execution of the test case.

Go To 

(Keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + G)

Pops-up the following dialog to accept the line number, highlights and brings specified step into view.


(Keyboard shortcut key F5)

Initiate the debugging of a test case execution, execute the test case without interruption until it hits a Break-point or Break on Failure.


(Keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + F4)

End the test case execution anytime during the debugging.
This button is activated only after the test case execution is initiated and debugging is paused or during step by step execution.


(Keyboard shortcut key F6)

Initiate the debugging session of a test case execution and single step the test steps.
7Current Line number 

shows the current line number under execution. For every step that gets executed the current line number gets updated to that step’s line number. You can click on the line number to go to the respective line number in the debugger view.

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