Executing Test cases with Debugger

Executing Test cases with Debugger

Test Case Execution with Debugger

Once all the break-points are added, Qualitia users can initiate the test case execution pressing the Play button (keyboard shortcut F5) on the debugger view. Once clicked the Play button, Webdriver is launched and test case starts executing. 

The test case execution continues till execution reaches a break-point or it has completed. The Detail view and Change log view of the debugger are only accessible when either the execution is waiting at a break-point or is being debugged step by step or has ended.

The detail view is a consolidated view of the test case execution. All the steps which were modified and executed during debugging; their details are shown in the detail view. The change log view gets updated whenever the step is modified.

There is no status associated with all the test steps which are skipped due to OnError conditions.

Please note that the facility of navigating a step to its execution detail in the detail view or its change details in the change log view is being considered for future releases and is not part of present release.

Once completed the execution, Qualitia report is displayed. It is not generated in certain cases. For more information on this, please refer to the Error Handling and Notifications section.

Debugging Step By Step

One of the key features of Qualitia Debugger is to be able to debug the test case execution step by step. This helps when you want to understand the flow of execution and if there is any specific step in the test case which could is causing the problem.

Qualitia users can start debugging test case step by step using the Next (F6) button from the Debugger window.  Once the step is executed, the details of the step are displayed immediately after the execution is completed. 

Debugging Test Execution with Break-Points

This feature allows you to put break-points when executing test cases. If you do not wish to debug the test case step by step you can put a break-point on any step and click the Play button, the test case execution will pause once it reaches to the break-point. This is especially helpful when you want to check the impact of a new step before a specific step or you want to modify a specific step. 

  • To pause test case execution on a step, you can add a break-point on any step from the Execution window in Qualitia Automation Studio. 

  • To add a break-point click the line number before the test case execution starts or whenever the execution is in pause state in the Qualitia Debugger window.

  • You can add break-points to any step except for a Task Name or Conditional Structure (If, Else) step.

  • During the course of test case execution debugger waits for user to press Next or Play button whenever it reaches to the break-point. Only after one clicks Play Next the debugger will execute that step. 

  • Debugger allows removing break-points from debugger view. The breakpoints added from test case development view reflect in debugger view and vice versa.

Debugging Test Execution with Break-Points on Failure

This feature is very helpful in debugging test cases where it is not clear which step will fail during the execution and the reason for its failure. Qualitia users can use this option to enable the break on failure. Debugger will pause the test case execution as soon as it encounters a failed (or defect) step. You can evaluate the failed step and continue with the debugging.

To use this feature:

  • Select the Break on Failure checkbox on the Qualitia Debugger window.

Viewing Object, Action, and Parameter Details of Test Step

At any point before or after execution of a step, you can double-click the step and see its detailed information. At the start of the debugger / step by step debugging / post execution one can perform this operation.

Detail View

The Detail view provides the execution details of every step. The Object, Action, Parameters, and test step execution result is shown in the detail view.

Change Log

Information about any modified steps is logged in the Change Log section. The change log view shows all the changes that have been made to test steps. The change log for a debugged test case is maintained till any test case is debugged again. This can be accessed using the Log button on the Test cases screen in Qualitia Automation Studio.

You can copy a modified step by selecting the row and pressing Ctrl + C and paste it using Ctrl + V on the Test Cases screen in the Qualitia Automation Studio. 

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