Modifying Steps

Modifying Steps

While debugging test cases, there can be instances where you may want to change the parameters or object details such as locator type/value and so on. The Modify step functionality provides facility to do so when debugging the test case. This feature is most useful when you want to check the impact of a certain parameters' data change or an object locator type/value change or a conditional expression change on the test case.

Double-click the step under execution to launch the Modify Step dialog. This loads the selected step information in the dialog box. You can modify step’s parameter details, object details, conditional expressions as per the requirements.

Only a step which is currently under execution can be modified.

All the debugger operations are applicable to the tasks and test cases which are shared for Design Updates.


You cannot modify the parameters of the steps that are being provided using datasheet. On ly the parameters that re being provide using static data can be modified.   

Modifying Parameters of Step

Modify operation on a step only allows modifying the parameters of that step (if any). The modified parameters can only have static/literal data. The modification of data is only applicable to that particular task iteration for a task step and only for that TC iteration for a TC level step. The change of parameter’s data does not get propagated to subsequent Task and TC iterations.

Modifying Objects of Step

Qualitia users can modify object's locator type and value of an existing step. The modified object will reflect in all the subsequent instances of the objects wherever it is used in the test case.

Modifying Conditional Structure

You can modify conditional structure using modify step functionality of debugger. This option is available on the context-menu (right-click) of the current execution pointer.

(warning) The test case execution during debugging will get terminated with appropriate notification for an invalid expression.

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