Creating a Project

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Creating a Project

In Qualitia, using Project screen, the Administrator can create projects for automating test cases of the application under test.

To create a project:

  1. On the Admin menu, click Project.
    The Project screen is displayed showing the list of available projects in a tabular format.
  2. Click New.
    The  New Project screen is displayed.
  3. Enter Project Name.
  4. Enter Description.
  5. Enter the Start Date of the project.
  6. Enter the End Date of the project.
  7. Enter Total Estimated Test Cases.
  8. Clear the Active check box if you want to deactivate the project.
    In Qualitia, the Active check box is selected by default.
  9. Click Next.

  10. The Add Project screen is displayed.
  11. Click Add.
    A new row is added to the list of users.
  12. Double-click the User ID field.
  13. Select the required user from the populated list.
  14. Double-click the User Role field.
  15. Select the required role from the populated list.
  16. Click OK.
    A project is created in Qualitia and the required users having a specific role are assigned.

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