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Detailed Analysis

The dashboard enables a deeper analysis of the Test Execution Reports. Its charts help identify test cases that are frequently failing or have most defects.

Important Notes

  • Dashboard data is available for duration mentioned above the date selector. You can select dates from that duration to view expected results in the dashboard.
  • Use the clear () button to remove all the selections for that filter. Clicking this option selects all the available options for the corresponding filter. 
  • To select multiple options for any filter:
    • If you are using Microsoft Excel 2013, press and hold the Ctrl key and select required options from the list.
    • If you are using Microsoft Excel 2016,
      • either press and hold the Ctrl key and select required options from the list or
      • use the multi-select () icon and then select required options from the list.
  • If there is no data present for the selected filter criteria, dashboard are displayed empty.
  • To view the detailed information about any bar/line from the chart, hover your mouse pointer over that bar/line.
  • If a test case is executed multiple times in a selected time frame, multiple occurrences are counted while loading the metrics and charts.
  • Based on the selection of items from lower filters (for example, Suite/Browser/Operating System, if applicable), Qualitia alters the project's list depending on the data availability. This condition is not applicable if any particular chart or matrix works only on the project selection.
  • By default, the dashboard Excel file opens in a full screen mode due to which you may not see the menu options. However, you can continue using standard Excel shortcuts as usual, such as CTRL + P to print, CTRL + S to save and so forth. 
  • For charts with radio buttons, after changing any filters, reselect the radio buttons to view the expected data. Due to limited event handling procedures in Excel, you may not see refreshed data immediately after changing the filters.


  • Date:

The date selector allows you to filter results based on the date of the test case execution. You can select either a single date or a date range using this date selector. You can select tenure from the available list. Available options are Days, Months, Quarters, and Years
Dashboard data is available for duration mentioned above. You can select dates from this duration to view expected results in the dashboard.  

  • Project:

You can filter the results displayed on dashboard using this project selector if you want to view results for a specific project or a group of projects from all the available list of projects.

  • Suite:

You can filter the results displayed on dashboard using this Suite selector if you want to view results for a specific Suites from the selected project(s). Suite names will be displayed only once if multiple suites with the same name exist across multiple projects.

  • Status:

Use this selector if you want to load dashboard for any particular status(s) only.

The background colors of the filter options indicate different states of these options:

  • Blue background indicates that this option is selected.
  • Grey background indicates that this option is not selected but the data exists for that option.
  • White background indicates that this option is not selected and data does not exist for that option.

Test Execution Trend

Results Trend

This chart displays the trend of test case execution results. In this stacked column chart, each bar represents a single date (mentioned on the x-axis) and test execution results are stacked on each other. You can filter this chart for specific Date, Project, Test Suite, or Status based on your requirements by selecting corresponding options from the filters. Colors of these stacks represent Qualitia test case execution results as follows:

  • green refers to the passed test cases,
  • red refers to the test cases with defects,
  • amber refers to the failed test cases,
  • grey refers to the test cases that are Not Executed.

If test cases are marked for the execution and are not executed due to onerror flags or any such reasons, they are reported as Not Executed.

Test Cases Failed Trend

This line chart shows the trend in failed test cases over a period of time for the selected projects, and test suites. The black line in the chart displays the total number of test cases executed on this particular date (which appears on the x-axis). Test cases falling under the Not Executed category are also considered while calculating the data. The amber line displays the number of failed test cases from the total executed test cases on that date. 

You can filter this chart by Date, Project, and Test Suites only. The filter Status is not applicable for this chart and is ignored if selected.

Test Cases With Defects

This chart enables focusing on the test cases in which defects are occurring during the executions. You can either focus on the test cases presenting with high occurrences of defects or test cases with lower occurrences of defects.

You can select projects and date range from which you want to view the list of test cases. You can choose between top 10 / 20 or bottom 10 / 20 test cases by selecting the appropriate option from the top of the chart. For example, if you select the Top 20 option, the chart will be filtered to show the top 20 test cases with highest defects.

Each bar in the chart corresponds to the single test case. These test cases are grouped by projects. You can click the bar to view the detailed information about the test cases and other related information.

Test Cases With Failures

This chart enables focusing on the test cases in which failures are occurring during the executions. You can either focus on the test cases presenting with high occurrences of failures or test cases with lower occurrences of failures.

You can select projects and date range from which you want to view the test cases. You can choose between top 10 / 20 or bottom 10 / 20 test cases by selecting the appropriate option from the top of the chart. For example, if you select the Top 20 option, the chart shows top 20 test cases with the highest failure rate.

Each bar in the chart corresponds to the single test case. These test cases are grouped by projects. You can click the bar to view the detailed information about the test cases and other related information.

(lightbulb) Sometimes, comparison and drill down with the help of stacks may be difficult due to low number of test cases for any specific status. In such cases, you may use the status filter to select and drill down to the detailed information about such test cases. You may also try increasing the zoom level of the Microsoft Excel sheet in case value for any status is too low.

(info) In the case of multiple suites having the same data, the information will be displayed only for top alphabetically matching suites in ascending order.

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