Executing a Suite

Executing a Suite

Once you have created the test cases and added on the Suite screen, you can proceed to execute these test cases. 

The Run Now button ignites the execution of the test cases that are marked for execution.

The Schedule button helps you to schedule the execution of test cases on the daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

To Run Now:

  1. Click Execute.
    The Suite screen appears.
  2. Click the suite to be executed from the left pane.
    All the test cases under the selected suite appear on the right pane.
  3. Select the test case.
    (info) You need to mark at least one test case before you click the Run Now button. 
  4. Click Run Now.

Qualitia will instantiate the test execution by initializing the underlying automation tool to execute marked test cases.

If UFT is already opened with test case not associated with Qualitia, then the following message is displayed.

A UFT instance is already opened. Do you want to execute the selected Qualitia test case?

Do anyone of the following actions:

  • Click No to avoid any data loss of the UFT test cases so that you can complete the tasks associated with it.

  • Click Yes to continue execution of the selected Test Suite.

You can click the Stop button at any moment to stop the test suite execution.

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