Working with Save As XML Feature

Working with Save As XML Feature

Qualitia allows you saving the test cases in XML format. These test cases then can be used when executing offline package.

To save as XML:

  1. Click Execute.
    The Suite screen appears.
  2. On the left pane, select the suite.
    The right pane displays the test cases under the selected suite.
  3. Mark the test cases to save in XML format.
  4. Click Save As XML.
    The Browse for folder screen appears.
  5. Select or create a folder to save the XML file. 
  6. Click OK.
  • You can view these files on the given path in the form of Suite XML, Map XML, and test case XML.
  • The XML file gets generated for every single test case with Manual TC ID being name of that test case XML file.
  • The generated XML files can be packaged as deliverable along with offline package module to perform offline execution.

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