Logging on to Qualitia

Logging on to Qualitia

When logging on to Qualitia as an administrator for the first time, use the credentials entered when installing Qualitia Server.

Once you have logged on successfully, create users from the Admin section. Once the administrator has created the accounts for other users, they can log on to their user accounts using the designated username and password.

To log on to Qualitia:

  1. Double-click the Qualitia <<version>> short-cut on Desktop or quick start menu.
    The Qualitia Automation Studio screen appears.
  2. Enter User ID.
  3. Enter Password.
  4. Click Log On.

Qualitia verifies the User ID and Password and displays the screen as per the privileges.

For example:

  • If you are an Administrator user, the Admin screen appears.
  • If you are a Project Manager user (or Manager Role user), the Dashboard screen appears.
  • If you are a Test Lead user (or Tester Role user), the Develop screen appears.

If you have forgotten your password, please contact your Qualitia Administrator to reset your password.

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