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Scheduling Suite Execution

Qualitia gives you the advantage of execution of the suite in two ways:

  • Run Now
  • Schedule

To schedule:

  1. Click Execute.
    The Suite screen is displayed.
  2. Click the suite to be executed from the left pane.
    Right pane displays all the test cases under the selected suite.
  3. Select the test case.
  4. Click Schedule.
    The Schedule List screen is displayed. In Schedule list, details such as Schedule Name, Type, Created by, Created on, and Host Name are displayed.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Add Build No. and Release No. in their respective fields. Select Start Date and Start Time. Select Type daily, weekly, or monthly. Choose Day or Days.
    The schedule will start suite executions based on the values set for start date and start time. Further, the runs will be performed on weekly, monthly, or daily basis based on the schedule created for a specific suite.
  7. Click OK.
    In Schedule list, you will see the newly added schedule.

    If the test case is to be executed on the mobile device (emulator or physical device), ensure that the Appium server is up and running when the execution is to be started.

You can edit or remove the schedule.

  • To edit, select the schedule and click Edit and make changes.
    You will notice the changes in the schedule.
  • To remove, select the schedule and click Remove.
    The schedule is removed.