Integrate Existing Qualitia Project to SVN Repository

Integrate Existing Qualitia Project to SVN Repository

After creating a new project, you must check-in newly created projects to your SVN repository to enable multiple Qualitia users to work on this project. 

This is a one-time activity and has to be performed for each project initially when they are created or cloned (Project Save As). 

To import newly created project to SVN repository:

  1. Add your Qualitia project folder in the SVN repository. (ProjectName_projectdb).
  2. From the machine where you have installed Qualitia Automation Studio, navigate to Qualitia Project Path.
    You will find this path in Settings>Project Settings.
  3. Right-click and select SVN Checkout.
  4. In the URL of repository, select the project folder (ProjectName_projectdb).
  5. In the Checkout directory, select the folder from the local system where you want to store the project.

    Ensure that you add this path as your project path from Settings>Project Settings.
  6. Click OK.
    Ensure you add your SVN details under Settings>Project Settings before you start working on this projects.

Your project is now added to SVN repository and all the changes made to Qualitia project artifacts (Tasks and Test cases) are now managed in the SVN repository. Additionally, multiple Qualitia users can now start working on single Qualitia projects using SVN integration.

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