Subversion Terms

Subversion Terms

In order to understand Qualitia Subversion (SVN) better, below is a list of the various terms commonly used:



 Version Control Tool

A tool that is used to store and manage artifacts and its changes in terms of versions/revisions. We will use Subversion (SVN), as Qualitia integrates with SVN.


A test case or a task xml file is referred to as an artifact.

 SVN Server

This is the server where you would create your Qualitia Project folder.

 SVN Client

Any SVN client that will help you to check out the Qualitia Project.

 Working Copy

Wherever you check out a directory (project), SVN will create a working copy of that directory. For Qualitia, this may also be the project path that contains Test Cases, Tasks, and Environment directories.


Update of an artifact ensures that you have the latest version from the repository.


Commit will allow you to save your changes to the repository so that all users can access your changes.


Locking an artifact (Test Case/Task) will ensure that you will have exclusive rights to edit the artifact.

 Out of Sync

A test case is said to be "out of sync" if one or more of its tasks have been modified but the test data required by the modified tasks is still not provided.


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