Executions on Mac

A new version of Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 7.2.x is now available. We highly recommend you upgrade. Find more details here.

Executions on Mac

Executing offline package on Mac is similar to traditional method of executing test cases on Windows or Linux. You need to make some changes to the properties file or provide command line arguments accordingly.

Before you make changes to the properties file, please note the following things, especially when you are moving from Windows to Mac or Linux.

  • All file and folder paths in Linux and Mac use "/" (forward slash) as a file separator.
  • Linux and Mac do not support Internet Explorer. They support Safari (Mac only), Firefox, and Google Chrome.
  • You need to change some data of Qualitia actions in order to run them on Linux and Mac.

Qualitia System Variables

You can use Qualitia System Variables to identify the execution environment using readily available system variables such as operating systems, browsers, and so on.

For more information about this, please refer to the Qualitia System Variables section. 

Building Cross Platform Test Cases

When developing test cases using Qualitia Test Automation Studio, test executions are tailored for execution on Windows. The same test cases can be executed using Mac and Linux platforms as they were created. Some test cases might need some changes in cases where actions use file paths as their parameters. These steps need some changes to be compatible with Mac.

Test cases where steps need to be executed based on OS; you can use "If Else" conditions along with Qualitia System Variables.

  • ExecuteFile For example, the ExecuteFile step can be changed in the following manner to work on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
  • If "{$$_ISMAC}"
  • ExecuteFile "/Users/admin/scripts/myscript.sh"
  • Else If "{$$_ISWINDOWS}"
  • ExecuteFile "C:\users\user1\myapp.exe"
  • Else If "{$$_ISLINUX}"
  • ExecuteFile "/Users/admin/scripts/myscript.sh"

Similarly, steps using the following actions can also be accommodated to work across multiple platforms.

  • DownloadFile
  • ExecuteQueryAndStoreInFile
  • CompareTabularResults
  • AttachFile

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