Supported Platforms and Browsers

A new version of Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 7.2.x is now available. We highly recommend you upgrade. Find more details here.

Supported Platforms and Browsers

Supported Environments

Qualitia supports multiple environments for mobile application testing. The following table illustrates environments supported by Qualitia for mobile application testing.

Physical DeviceEmulator/SimulatorSauce Labs

For more information on the devices supported when executing test cases on Sauce Labs, please refer to the Sauce Labs Documentation.

Supported Browsers and Driver Versions

The following is a list of supported browsers and platforms for Mobile test automation. 

Supported Browsers
PlatformsStock BrowserChromeFirefoxSafari

Note: *Stock browser is supported on Android 4.4, 5.x emulators only.

In order to automate Web application testing, you need to download and use the drivers for respective browsers. Qualitia depends on these drivers to execute its tests.

Qualitia ships with all the latest drivers available at the time of release. However, they may get updated and therefore, it is recommended to download and use the latest driver versions for smooth execution experience. 

Please refer to the respective websites and change logs for more information about the browser driver versions and the compatible browser versions.

The list provided here is for reference only.

Browser Name / Version

Compatible Driver Version

Internet Explorer

IE 11

IE Driver Server 3.4

For latest information about browser version and driver compatibility, please refer to the change log under "The Internet Explorer Driver Server" section here.

Also see the Configuration for Test Case Execution Using Internet Explorer Browser section for more details.

Google Chrome
56 - 58chromedriver 2.29
55 - 57chromedriver 2.28
For more information about the latest version of chrome driver version, refer to the change log under the latest driver version here.
Mozilla Firefox
If you are using Selenium 3.x, please use the latest version of Gecko Driver.

Add Safari Driver extension to your Safari browser if you are using Safari below 10.

Use Apple's SafariDriver with Safari 10+.

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