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Create Issues from Qualitia Bot

Qualitia gives you provision to create issues in JIRA after the test case executions from the Qualitia bot. In order to do so, you need to configure Qualitia bot accordingly.

This saves tester's efforts to manually create issues in JIRA for each test case differently.

Important Notes

  • Ensure that the JIRA issue creation flow does not have any mandatory fields (except Summary).
  • Ensure that JIRA is accessible from the machine you are initiating the test cases execution.
  • Bot creates defect only when the test case status is Defect. If test case has steps with both the statuses (failed and defect), test case status is reported as failed, hence, issue will not be created in JIRA.
  • Bot creates JIRA issues at the iteration level. Bot creates separate issues for each iteration if different iterations from a single test case have defects in them. 
  • For easy identification, issues created in JIRA are labeled as QualitiaOfflineExecution.

To create issues in JIRA after Qualitia bot execution:

  1. Log on to Qualitia Automation Studio.
  2. From the Settings menu, click Configuration Setting.
  3. In the Defects tab, fill-up all the JIRA related information and click OK.
  4. Create a Qualitia bot (erstwhile Qualitia Offline Package) [from File > Offline Package].
  5. Add test cases to Qualitia bot and execute based on your requirements.

You need to create new Qualitia bot every time you change the JIRA credentials (especially password). Other JIRA related configurations can be changed from the JIRA Settings for Defect Creation section of file.

Following is the list of properties from the file that help you adding issues in JIRA. While creating Qualitia bot, system fill-up values for all these properties based on the values exist in the Configuration Setting (Defect) section.

Property NameProperty Value
AutoCreateJiraDefectSpecify whether you want automatically to create issues for the defected test cases after test case execution.

This is the URL to JIRA host. For example:

In case you are using JIRA Server, enter http:// followed by Host name and port number.
For example:   

JiraUserIdEnter the JIRA username for the account which you want to use for creating the defect.  
EncryptedJiraPasskeyEnter the JIRA password for the account which you want to use for creating the defect.
JiraProjectEnter the JIRA project name in which you want to add the issue. This is not mandatory.
JiraProjectKeyEnter the JIRA project key under which you want to create the issue. It is generated when creating JIRA project and unique to each project.
For more information about how to find JIRA project keys, refer to the Atlassian JIRA documentation.
JiraBugPriorityEnter the bug priority. 
AttachReportToJiraDefectSpecify whether you want to attach Qualitia test execution report to the JIRA issue.   
IncludeScreenshotsInJiraAttachmentSpecify whether you want to add screenshots when attaching the report to the JIRA issue.   

Understanding Qualitia Logs

After the test case execution from the Qualitia bot, you may refer to the QualitiaEngine.log file for the detailed information about issues created in JIRA. This file is generated in the folder which is created to store reports of the test cases from Qualitia bot. You can use any text editor to view or read the QualitiaEngine.log file.

This file gets generated after the test suite executions in the folder which you have created to store Qualitia Bot reports. You will find this location in the file against the LogPath property. 

To access the QualitiaEngine.log file:

  1. Navigate to the LogPath folder.
  2. Open the QualitiaEngine.log file using any text editor. 

Keywords to search

To view the information about successfully logged issues in JIRA

Successfully attached report to JIRA. Defect Link:
Creating JIRA defect for Iteration

Since AttachReportToJiraDefect is true

Created temp zip for report attachment at

To view the information about failures occurred during logging issues in JIRA 

Error occurred while creating JIRA defect for Iteration
Error details: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException
Error occurred while attaching the report for Iteration
Bad request error

Error details: No route to host: connect

At the time of executing Qualitia Bot, in case there are problems in connecting to JIRA, defects occurred in the test cases will not be logged in JIRA. Qualitia users then manually have to collect such defects referring to execution reports and add them in JIRA, if required.

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