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Suite Analysis

This section gives an overview on the stability and duration of the test execution suites. You can filter these charts based on the dates, projects and test suites. 


  • Date:

The date selector allows you to filter results based on the date of the test case execution. You can select either a single date or a date range using this date selector. You can select tenure from the available list. Available options are Days, Months, Quarters, and Years
Dashboard data is available for duration mentioned above. You can select dates from this duration to view expected results in the dashboard.  

  • Project:

You can filter the results displayed on dashboard using this project selector if you want to view results for a specific project or a group of projects from all the available list of projects.

  • Suite:

You can filter the results displayed on dashboard using this Suite selector if you want to view results for a specific Suites from the selected project.

After you select required project and suite, click Refresh Chart For Selected Project & Suite to refresh charts based on the selection.   

Suite Stability Trend

This chart gives an overview pertaining to the stability of a test suite. The x-axis displays dates and the pointer on the chart displays percentage of failed test cases.

(info) Test cases falling under Not Executed category are not considered as the denominator while calculating the percentage.

Test Execution Duration Trend

This chart gives an overview of the average time taken for the execution of a test suite. The blue pointers represent average time taken for the suite executions (presented on the left side Y-axis) and black pointers represent test case count (presented on the right side Y-axis) for the executions for the selected suite.

  • Multiple occurrences are counted in case any suite is executed multiple times on selected date.
  • If test cases are marked for the execution but not executed due to some error handling flags or any such error are also counted while calculation.

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