Release History

Release History

This section summarizes the new features/functionalities/resolved issues introduced in Qualitia from 3.5 to 4.1.0.

 Qualitia QTP/UFT 4.1.0


Introducing Support for SAP Technology

Qualitia helps you to create and run tests on applications in a variety of development environments. From this release, Qualitia users can run the test cases for the applications designed with SAP. For a detailed list of actions and parameters to be used when working with SAP applications, please refer to the document placed in the Help folder at the Qualitia installed location.

Bug Fixes

  • Qualitia performs incredibly slow when installed on Virtual Machine (VM). This issue has been fixed.
 Qualitia QTP/UFT 4.0.2


Introducing Multi-Browser Support and System Variables

Qualitia for Desktop users can now execute test cases using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Qualitia has introduced an additional action OpenURL.

In addition to the multi-browser support, Qualitia has also introduced a set of system variables for storing the execution browsers’ Boolean values. Qualitia users can then use this Boolean value as per the requirements when developing test cases.

Following is the list of system variables:

  • $$_ISIE

For more information about OpenURL and system variables mentioned above, please refer to the Qualitia for Desktop Web Actions document placed in the Help folder at Qualitia installed location.

Introducing WebNumber Actions

Qualitia has introduced following WebNumber actions and users can use these actions when creating test cases or tasks in Qualitia.

  • Click
  • DoubleClick
  • RightClick
  • StoreExistence
  • Drag
  • Drop
  • Set
  • Submit
  • StorePropertyFromObject
  • SetObjectProperty
  • IsFocused
  • IsEnabled

For more information about these actions and parameters to be specified when using these actions, please refer to the Qualitia for Desktop Web Actions document placed in the Help folder at Qualitia installed location.

Introducing Support for Insight Objects

Qualitia users can now add insight objects in the object repository (tsr file) and use these objects when developing test cases.

For more information about Insight Objects and actions used for insight objects, please refer to the Insight Objects document placed in the Help folder at Qualitia installed location.

 Qualitia QTP 3.10.3


Introduced New Web Action: StoreRowNumberMatchingPattern

Qualitia has introduced a new web action; StoreRowNumberMatchingPattern.

For details of parameters to be used when working with this action, please refer to the Qualitia Web Actions document placed in the Help folder at Qualitia installed location.

 Qualitia QTP 3.10.2


Introduced New Generic and Web Actions

Qualitia has introduced following 3 new actions.

  • WaitForObject (WebElement)
  • StoreArrayOfColumnDataUsingLookup (WebTable)
  • StoreArrayItem (Generic)

For details of parameters to be used when working with these actions, please refer to the Qualitia Web Actions and Qualitia Generic Actions document placed in the Help folder at Qualitia installed location.

 Qualitia QTP 3.10.1


Introduced New Generic and PowerBuilder Actions

Qualitia has introduced following new actions and users can use these actions when creating test cases or tasks in Qualitia.

  • WriteTextToFile (Generic)
  • WriteLog (Generic)
  • Drag (PowerBuilder)
  • Drop (PowerBuilder)

For more information on these actions’ parameter and descriptions, please refer to the action documentation placed in the Help folder of Qualitia installed location.

Resolved Issues

Ability to View Save As Project Report

Due to some technical complications, users were not able to view the Save As Project report. This issue has been fixed and now users can review the report in Microsoft Excel when performing the Save As Project operation.

Ability to Use the StoreCellData, Drag, and Drop Actions

Previously, Qualitia users were facing difficulties when using the StoreCellData, Drag, and Drop actions. Issues related to these actions are now fixed and users can use seamlessly this action.

 Qualitia QTP 3.10.0


Introducing Next Generation Installer

Qualitia is introducing a next generation installer that automatically handles the updates and upgrades to Qualitia Software.

SVN 1.9 Support

Qualitia now supports SVN Client version 1.9.

MYSQL 5.6 and 5.7 Support

Qualitia now supports MYSQL 5.6 and 5.7.

Introducing Integration with Bamboo Continuous Integration (CI) Tools 

In addition to Jenkins and TeamCity, Qualitia can now seamlessly integrate with Atlassian's Bamboo CI tool.

Kingsoft 2016 Support

In order to display Sync Reports, Test Data, and so on, Qualitia now supports Kingsoft 2016. Kingsoft’s lower versions are no longer supported.

Object Repository and Descriptive Programming Co-Existence

Qualitia users can now add and use the objects of the application under test using two different approaches; Shared Object Repository and Descriptive Programming.

Both the types of objects are displayed in different object trees on the Objects screen for easy identification and users can use both the types of objects in a single test case or task.

Introducing Sync Now Button

The Sync TSR button is introduced. It can be used to synchronize the changes made to the shared object repository (tsr file). The button is enabled only when changes are made to the shared repository.

Introducing Support for Three New Technologies

Qualitia helps you to create and run tests on applications in a variety of development environments. From this release, Qualitia users can run the test cases for the applications designed with Microsoft Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and ActiveX technologies. For a detailed list of actions and parameters to be used when working with these technologies and actions, please refer to the documents placed in the Help folder at the Qualitia installed location.

Introducing New Actions for Java, Standard Windows, and Web

In addition to an existing set of actions, Qualitia has introduced a new set of actions for Java, Standard Windows, and Web technologies. Please refer to the documents placed in the Help folder for a detailed list and description of the newly added actions and parameters.

Introducing Error Buttons on Tasks and Test Cases Screens

In order to be more user-friendly and intuitive, Qualitia has introduced Error buttons on Tasks and Test Cases screens. These buttons help users to jump on the next or previous steps that have used the object which is removed from the shared object repository (tsr file).

Highlighting Deleted Objects in Object Tree

Objects that are used in the tasks and test cases cannot be removed from Qualitia unless they are removed from the respective tasks and test cases. Objects that are deleted from the shared repository (tsr file) are displayed with a red exclamation mark in the object tree for easy identification.

Highlighting Deleted Objects Reports

Qualitia users may execute test cases with objects that are deleted from the tsr file. For easy identification that the specified objects do not present in the tsr file, Qualitia reports highlight such steps in red font in Qualitia report.

Generating Separate Log File When Importing Objects

Qualitia generates separate log file when importing objects to Qualitia. The log file is placed on the Qualitia installed location which users can access in case there are some errors observed during importing objects.

Highlighting Deleted Objects on Tasks and Test Cases Screens

If deleted objects (objects that are removed from the shared repository [tsr file]) are used in the test cases and tasks, these objects are displayed in red color in the object column for easy identification on the Tasks and Test Cases screen. 

In case users run such test cases that have used deleted objects, report displays such objects in red color for easy identification.

 Qualitia QTP/UFT 3.9.2

Shared Object Repository Path Settings Access Restricted Only To Admin

In order to be more robust, only admin user of Qualitia can set/reset the shared object repository path through ‘Project Settings’.

Delete Object

Qualitia users can now delete an object from Qualitia’s repository which will not delete corresponding object from shared repository.

Separate Log File For Import Object

Qualitia now logs all its object import details in a separate file ObjectImport.log on the installation path.

Introducing Integration with Spira (Qualitia Execution Agent)

Qualitia now can seamlessly integrate with Spira. Spira can be used to execute Qualitia test cases.

Introducing New Actions

Following new actions are introduced and Qualitia users can use them when developing test cases. 

General Class

  • TrimAndStoreText
  • StoreObjectInstanceCount
  • ReplaceAndStoreText

JavaTavle Class

  • DoubleClickJCell 
  • ClickCellHavingText 
  • ActivateJRow 
  • SelectJavaTree

Common for All Classes

  • SetObjectProperty
 Qualitia QTP/UFT 3.9.1


Object Import Using Shared Object Repository

Qualitia now supports a shared object repository for object management in Qualitia.Qualitia's test execution will now refer all its objects from specified tsr file during execution.

Ability to Add TC Level Steps

User can avoid adding a task for adding a single step to test case. A step can be directly added to test case. It is possible to specify object, action and parameters to a TC step just like a task step.

Introducing Conditional Structure

User can now execute step(s) and/or task(s) based on a condition that he specifies. Depending on the condition evaluation result, the step(s) and/or task(s) mentioned in the corresponding block will or will not get executed.

Introducing Error Handling Flags

Qualitia has introduced following Error Handling flags that can be used when developing or executing test cases:

  • ExitSuite
  • ExitTCIteration
  • ExitStep
  • Continue

These flags can be applied at Test Case as well as Suite level to control the flow of execution.

Introducing New Actions

Following is the list of new actions that can be used when developing test cases

  • ExitTask
  • ExitTCIteration
  • ExitSuite
  • SecureSet
  • SecureStoreVariable

Kindly refer to the documentation for more information about using these actions when developing test cases.

Introducing New Variable: $$_Status

User can now get the execution status of the last executed step using $$_Status. Qualitia uses can use it when adding conditional structure in the test cases and manage the execution flow accordingly.

For more information about this, please refer to the Qualitia System Variables section.

Introducing Support for Continuous Integration Tools

Qualitia now supports execution through Jenkins and TeamCity Continuous Integration tools.

Encrypting Passwords on the Configuration Settings Screen

In order to be more robust, Qualitia now encrypts it's database server password.

Introducing Support for MYSQL 5.6 and 5.7

Supports higher version of MYSQL which is 5.6 and 5.7.This allows users to install Qualitia-Server with the latest versions of MySQL.

Introducing Configuration Settings User Interface

Qualitia users can now use the configuration settings user interface for accessing settings for General, Execution, and QTP settings. This window can be accessed from the Settings menu.

Qualitia Execution Reporting

Qualitia report is now enhanced in order to be more robust and comprehensive.

Qualitia for Selenium and QTP/UFT Co-Existance

Now Qualitia support existence of Qualitia version for Selenium and for QTP/UFT on the same machine. Hence now user can install Qualitia for Selenium and Qualitia for QTP/UFT on single machine.
 Qualitia QTP 3.5


  • Introducing support for QTP 11
  • Introducing sync test case feature
  • Impact of task edit in the Suite execution
  • Sync test cases during Suite execution
  • Displaying impacted task list on Object/Keyword edit
  • Introducing the Export to Excel feature from the Reports tab 
    (warning) The reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel only.  
  • Ability to handle empty data in Test Data
  • Mandatory/Non-Mandatory Action Parameters
  • When working with Test Data:
    • In order to break task iteration in datasheet, user must use blank space instead of tilde ”~”.

       View Image

    • Test case iteration now require iteration number to be specified only for first row.

       View Image

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