Updating a Test Data

Updating a Test Data

Test data can be any type of input to an application. The preparation of suitable test data is important for testing environment. Usually, test data is prepared for both valid and invalid inputs.

Adding/Removing Test Data

You can add test data by entering values for the required parameter corresponding to an action. You can enter values for test data after you add tasks to a test case.

You can provide test data against the steps depending on the action selected. You can either parameterize the data or set the data as static data.

Static test data should be specified in double quotes in Qualitia. As the name suggests, static data gives a single static value. Any test data that is not in double quotes can be parameterized in a spreadsheet.

To do this:

  1. Select a test case name under the Scenarios tree structure and enter test data for the actions requiring parameters.
  2. Click the Open button in the right pane.
    (tick) If the task file or test case file is version controlled and has not been checked out, it is displayed as read only. Also, in such case, Open button is displayed as View
  3. The spreadsheet application opens with the columns Iteration, Selection, Dataset tag, Task name, and the parameterized data (which is considered as a column name and not the actual data).
  4. Parameterize the test data for a test case iteration as well as task iteration. A test case iteration can contain one or more task iterations.
  5. Enable or disable test case iterations by specifying True or False in the Selection column respectively.
  6. Enable or disable task iteration by specifying its value or a tilde (~) in the column with task name respectively. Refer to the table below for an example to parameterize test data.

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