Test Case Execution through Offline Package

Test Case Execution through Offline Package

Executing Offline Package

Once all the properties are set, you can execute test cases saved in the XML format using three methods.

Configuration properties can be changed at three different levels to better maneuver configurations in multiple environments.

  1. Quaitia-qtp.properties: 
    This file is generated with the creation of offline package and contains all the execution properties.
  2. User Defined Properties: 
    Qualitia users can create and define their own set of properties as per the requirements and use this file to execute test packages. This file overrides the properties set in the qualitia-qtp.properties file.
  3. Command Line Arguments: 
    Qualitia users can change the properties using command line arguments as well. Arguments provided by the command line overrides the values provided in the qualitia-qtp.properties or user defined properties.
At the time of execution, you must close all the UFT instances. 


Test Case Execution Using QualitaOffline.exe 

Once the offline package is created and all the properties are set, you can execute it using QualitiaOffline.exe.

This command executes all the test cases available at the xmlPath mentioned in the qualitia-qtp.properties file.

To execute offline package using QualitiaOffline.exe

  1. Navigate to the folder where you have saved Offline Package.
  2. Double-click QualitiaOffline.exe.
  1. Launch the command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the offline package.
  3. Type QualitiaOffline.exe and press Enter.

Test Case Execution Using User Defined Properties 

You can create your own property file and provide the path as the first argument to the qualitia-qtp.offline.exe. It provides flexibility to create multiple property files based on the required configuration combinations. You can create separate property files for each OS, their combinations as per the project requirements.

For example: win7.properties, win8.properties, so on.

To execute offline package using User Defined Properties file:

  1. Launch the command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the offline package.
  3. Type QualitiaOffline.exe and enter the absolute path of the user-defined properties file and then, press Enter.
    For example: qualitiaoffline.exe C:\Users\Desktop\win8.properties

Test Case Execution Using Command Line Arguments 

Command line arguments allow further fine tuning of the configurations providing arguments to the qualitiaoffline.exe. It overrides user defined properties if anything is provided as the first argument or the values set in the qualitia-qtp.properties file.  You can also provide properties that are part of the qualitia-qtp.properties file as the command line arguments in the following format; PropertyName=Value.

You can provide multiple PropertyName=Value pairs separating them with single space.

To execute offline package using Command line arguments:

  1. Launch the command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the offline package.
  3. Type QualitiaOffline.exe, enter the PropertyName=Value pair and then press Enter.
    For example; qualitiaoffline.exe ShowReportAfterExec=True

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