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Qualitia Configuration Settings

Qualitia is a thick client application based on .NET framework. After installation, you need to edit the configuration settings for Qualitia Client.

Configuring General Settings

The General section under Configuration Settings window lets you configure settings for Domain, Database Server, and SVN.



Enter the active directory details.

Qualitia Logs

Select this option if you want to capture detail Qualitia logs.

Database Server 


Select the Server from the drop-down list: SQL Server and MySQL.

Server: Port

Enter the Server and the Port IDs.

Default port is 3306 for MySQL and 1433 for SQL. 

Database Name

Enter the master database name.


Select the authentication type: Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication 
This field is applicable for SQL server only.

User Name

Enter database server user name.


Enter database server password.

Version ControlSelect the version control tool you are using for managing Qualitia project artifacts (Tasks and Test cases).*

SVN Client

Select the SVN client version from the drop-down list. This option is available for SVN only.

User Name

Enter the SVN/Bitbucket/GIT username.


Enter the SVN/Bitbucket/GIT password.

Server URL

Enter the URL where Qualitia Server is installed. 

The Qualitia Server URL is a combination of the hostname/IP and port 8887 where you have installed Qualitia server. 
For example,
By default, Qualitia uses port 8887. You may change it while installing /wiki/spaces/QASWM7/pages/1169433190 component.

  • Qualitia uses this URL to save results of test cases executed through CI Tools (Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo), Build / Release Cycles from TFS/Azure DevOps, and offline package.
  • Also, specifying this URL is important for seamless synchronization of Qualitia test artifacts between Design Studio and Automation studio.

Adding Dependencies 

The Dependency section under Configuration Settings window allows adding various dependencies related to project, Java, and so on. 


Project Path Select the folder where your project is saved on the local machine. 

Execution Results Path

Select the folder where you want to save all your execution reports.

Custom Action Repository Path

Select the folder where your Custom Action Repository exists. Multiple paths should be separated with semi-colon (;) and the last path should be ended by semi colon (;).  

AutoIT Install Path

Select the folder where have installed AutoIT. For more information about this, click here

Java 8 Install Path

Select the absolute path where you have installed Java 8 (java.exe).

Selenium Server Jar Path

Select the absolute path to the Selenium Server JAR.
Guava Jar Path

Select the absolute path to the Guava JAR.

For more information about Guava Jar dependency, click here

Eclipse Path

Select the eclipse.exe from the folder where Eclipse is installed.

Setting this path is mandatory in case you want to work with custom actions.

Configuring Execution Settings

The Execution section under Configuration Settings window allows configuring settings related to test case execution.


Wait Mode

Select Wait Mode from the drop-down list. Default is Explicit. 


Enter the maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the object to load on the page when executing the test case. Default is 10.

This option is available for Explicit wait mode only.

Sync TimeEnter the maximum time to wait (in seconds) for an object to load when executing the test case. Default is 20. This option is available for Implicit wait mode only.
Polling IntervalEnter the polling interval in milliseconds. Default is 100. 
Page TimeoutEnter maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the page to load when executing the test case. Default is 20.
Report LogsSelect appropriate options for which you want to save logs when executing test cases.
Screen Capture ModeSelect the screen capture mode: Desktop or Browser. Default is Desktop.
Fail Step on Screenshot FailureSelecting this option fails steps if browser screenshot is not captured when executing test case. This option is available only if the screen capture mode is selected as Browser.   
Highlight Active ElementSelect this option if you want to highlight the element on which action is being performed from the application under test during test case execution.
Optimization Mode (Experimental)Selecting this option eliminates object level waits and improves performance when executing Qualitia test cases. Deselect this option if you experience failures for your test suites created before v5.2.
Show Report After ExecutionSelecting this option launches test case execution report after the execution is complete.   
Ignore Angular Synchronization 

Select this option if you want to disable Angular synchronization with the page before performing any action.

This may cause test case failure and should be used only when necessary.

Capture Snapshots on 

Select options for which you want to capture screenshots while executing test cases. You can select multiple options.

CI Tool

Select the CI Tool from the drop-down list (if you use any). You can execute Qualitia bot using CI Tools. 

For more information about this, refer to the Execution using Continuous Integration Tools section.

New Browser for Every

Select when you want to launch new browser; for every Suite or for every Testcase.

This is applicable for Web (Desktop and Mobile) applications only.

  • Browser drivers are shipped with Qualitia. You may find on the following path: C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\QualitiaWDClient\app-4.x.x\WebDriver\Selenium.
  • If browser is selected as Firefox, user should point to Gecko Driver on the location mentioned above.
  • Gecko Driver can be used for versions before FF-48 but Mozilla does not guarantee a flawless executions on versions before FF-48.
  • To execute test cases on Firefox v48 and above, select Selenium server 3.0 (on the execution tab) and select the Gecko Driver path.
  • Safari executions are now supported on Mac Sierra or later using Apple’s Safari driver.
  • For IE only versions 9 and above are supported as Microsoft has stopped supporting earlier versions.
  • The custom actions compiled with Java 7 or earlier versions might not work as expected. You might need to compile them again with Java 8.
  • For more information on the Selenium Server Jar, click here.

Configuring Platform Settings

The Platform section under Configuration Settings window allows configuring settings related to test case execution platform.

Desktop Web
Browser TypeSelect the browser which you want to use for test case execution from the drop-down list.  

Browser Driver Path

Select the browser driver path based on the browser selected above.

Browser Profile Path

Select the browser profile path if you want to execute test with specific browser profile.

Server: Port

Enter Appium server and port details. Default is 4723.


Select platform for test case execution: Android or iOS.


For Android: Enter the device ID.

For iOS: Enter device identifier on which you want to execute test cases.

For more information about this, please refer to the How to Identify UDID in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Mobile Browser

Select the mobile browser on which you want to execute test cases.

Execute on Mobile Web

Select this option if you want to execute test on the mobile device.

Native Object Sync Time

Enter the number of seconds for which Appium will wait for a native object to appear.

Default is 2.

For iOS Devices:

  • Qualitia users can keep this field empty and specify the Device Name + Platform Version in file.
    (Located at: %LocalAppData%\QualitiaWDClient\app-<version\WebDriver\config)
  • Device name is mandatory.
  • If Platform version is not specified, Appium considers the latest platform version (for example, 10.3) and creates new simulator each time to perform test case execution.

For Android:

  • If UDID is not specified, test cases will be executed on the last connected device.
  • Entering incorrect UDID results in failing the test case execution.
  • It is recommended to use chromedriver v74, when executing test cases for mobile hybrid applications with Webviews in them.

Configuring Defect Settings

JIRA URLEnter the URL of the JIRA instance to which you want to connect for logging issues.
Atlassian AccountEnter the user ID of the JIRA account.
PasswordEnter the password of the JIRA account.
JIRA Project Select the JIRA project from the drop down list under which you want to create / add issues.*
Defect PrioritySelect the priority of the JIRA defect that will be created after Suite execution. 
Defect Attachment
  • Attach Report: Select this option if you want to attach the Qualitia test case execution report when creating / adding issues.  
  • Include Screenshots: Select this option if you want to add screenshots of the application under test when creating issues in JIRA.
Logging Mode
  • Auto-mode: Select this option if you want Qualitia to log the issues in JIRA after the Suite execution is completed.  
  • *Qualitia links defects to the same JIRA story from where the requirements are synchronized when the JIRA project is same for synchronizing requirement and adding defects.
  • Defects in JIRA will be created with label Qualitia for easy identification.

Configuring HPE ALM Settings

Integration with HPE ALM

Select this option if you want to integrate with your Qualitia project with HPE ALM project. 

For more information about HPE ALM integration, /wiki/spaces/~sagar.dubewar/pages/221643081

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