Installing Mobile Object Spy
Qualitia Mobile object spy contains multiple components. You must complete the installation process to you start adding objects from mobile application under test.
You can install the components mentioned below on the same machine or different machines based on the requirements.
Before you start Installations
Before you start installing Mobile Agent or Mobile Server, you must first configure the Mac or Windows machine to work with real devices, emulators, or simulators.
On Mac, you must have
- XCode
- Appium Dependencies
- Java 8 - Oracle JDK / Open JDK
On your Windows machine, you must have
- Android Studio (for emulators only)
- Intel® HAXM (for emulators only)
- Java 8 - Oracle JDK / Open JDK
- Set system environment variables
For more information on the same, please to the Prerequisites, Privileges and Configurations section.
Installing Mobile Server
You must first install Qualitia Mobile server on any machine in the network. This can be any Windows or Mac system.
All the Qualitia clients should have access to port 4001 from the machine where you are installing Qualitia Mobile server.
To install Mobile Server:
- Navigate to the folder where you have downloaded Qualitia Installables.
- Open Mobile Server Folder.
- Do one of the following:
- If you are installing it on Mac, copy the Qualitia Mobile Server.pkg file to any temporary location.
- If you are installing it on Windows, copy the Setup.exe file to any temporary location.
- Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the installation procedure.
- To confirm the installation, go to services console and check whether the Qualitia.Mobile.Service is running (for Windows only)
You can try accessing Mobile Server using Server URL in any browser.
Server URL is a combination of hostname/IP of the machine where Qualitia Object Spy server is installed along with the port 4001.
Sample URL may look like: or http://localhost:4001.
Installing Mobile Agents
After you install Qualitia Mobile server, you can install Mobile agent and connect mobile devices or simulators/emulators to identify and add objects from mobile applications.
This can be any Windows or Mac system with all the prerequisites installed for mobile application testing.
All Qualitia clients should have access to port 4001 from the machine where you are installing Qualitia Mobile server.
You can install multiple mobile agents (on different machines in the same network) connecting to single mobile server.
Installing Mobile Agent on Windows
- Navigate to the folder where you have downloaded Qualitia Installables.
- Open Mobile Agent Folder.
- Copy the setup.exe file to any temporary location.
- Double-click the setup.exe to install.
Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the installation procedure.
- To confirm the installation, you can double-click the Mobile agent icon from the desktop and you will find the agent icon
You can right-click the agent icon from the notification area and proceed for the configurations. in notification area.
Installing Mobile Agent on Mac
- Navigate to the folder where you have downloaded Qualitia Installables.
- Open Mobile Agent Folder.
- Copy the Qualitia Mobile Agent.pkg file to any temporary location on the machine where you want to install this agent.
- Double-click the Qualitia Mobile Agent.pkg to install.
- Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the installation procedure.
- Post installation, you can access the agent using
You can right-click the agent icon from the notification area and proceed for the configurations.
You must enable the camera access on the Mac machine where the agent is installed while launching a mobile application under test on an iOS real device from mobile object spy for the first time. icon from the top menu bar (notification area).