Configuring Qualitia System Properties for Suite Execution

Configuring Qualitia System Properties for Suite Execution

Qualitia users can configure JVM system properties in order control the test case execution flow. These properties can be added in the Key=Value pairs.

To add new Qualitia System Properties:

  1. Log on to Qualitia Automation Studio.
  2. On the Setting menu, click System Properties.
    The Qualitia System Properties screen appears.
  3. To add new property, click Add.
  4. Double-click the Key field and add the desired key name. 
    For example: webdriver.http.factory
  5. Double-click the Value field and add the desired value.
    For example: apache
  6. Click OK.

You can set these Qualitia System Properties for the test cases being executed using Qualitia Bot. In order to do so, you must configure qualitiasystem.properties file accordingly. For more information about this, refer to the Configuring Qualitia System Properties section.   

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