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SSL Certificate

Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) now provides a secure server portal by introducing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate. This change has been introduced to provide a secure and authenticated connection. We do not need to provide a port number for HTTPS. It will have a default port number 443.

What is SSL Certificate?

The SSL certificate is a digital certificate that is used for authentication of a website. It creates a secure connection between the client and the web server. When the certificate is installed, it changes the website from HTTP to HTTPS.

Steps to install SSL Certificate on your local machine

  1. Download the .pem file.

  2. Open Manage User Certificate on your machine and go to Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

  3. Right click and hover over All Tasks.

  4. Import the tasks and click Next.

  5. Now, click Browse > Next > Finish.

  6. For local machine:

    • Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

    • Open the hosts file and add the IP address where you have installed the server.

    • Add qualitiasoft.ssl in another line and save the file.

  7. Go to the secure link: https://qualitiasoft.ssl/.

  8. Also add https://qualitiasoft.ssl/ in Qualitia - Client while logging in.

After going from not secure to secure, make sure to reload the page. If this does not work, relaunch the server portal.

Configure CICD execution using SSL Server

Once you have installed the SSL certificate on the local machine, you can configure CICD execution, such as Jenkins, TeamCity & Bamboo, using the SSL Server. Refer to Steps to install SSL certificate on your local machine for detailed information.

  • Make sure to install the CA Root certificate on the Jenkins machine before execution.

  • To execute any suite from the SSL-enabled server, use the following curl command:
    curl --ssl-no-revoke -o executionAgent.jar -LJ {Server URL}/api/v1/download/executionAgent

ADO execution using SSL Server

  • For ADO execution, the URL you pass to the ADO Task should include the port number 443. For example, https://qualitiasoft.ssl:443.

  • All other settings will be as per normal server execution.

Update the SSL Port and SSL Certificate path

  1. Open the Configuration Section on the Qualitia Server.

  2. Go to Secure Connections and select the Enable SSL check box.

  3. Add the SSL Port number as 443.

  4. Add the SSL Certificate Path as qualitiasoft.ssl.

  5. Add the SSL Certificate Password and click Save.

You need to enable the SSL from the Configuration Section to get a secure connection. If not enabled, the SSL port defaults to 80, an unsecured server.

