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Local Profile

Configuring the System Execution Profile Settings for a Web/Mobile Project

If you do not create a custom execution profile, the default execution profile, named System Execution Profile, is used for your test case executions. You can configure the settings for the System Execution Profile by using the System Execution Profile dialog.
For more details, refer to Execution Profiles.

To configure the system execution profile settings for a web and mobile project:

  1. Open a web/mobile project for which you want to define the system execution profile settings.

  2. Access Settings from the left navigation to view the Settings screen.

  3. Click the Local Profile tab.

  4. Configure the following settings on the Execution Mode tab.

    • Execution Mode: (Non-Editable) Selects as Local, which you cannot change.
      Note: You can select the Remote or Cloud option only when creating a custom execution profile.

    • Edit Desired Capabilities: Shows the additional capabilities for the selected cloud platform.
      To know the meaning of the additional fields, hover over each of them in the UI.

  5. Configure the following settings on the Execution Configuration tab for a web and mobile project.

    • Browser: Select a browser for execution as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.

    • Web Environment: Select the environment for executing test case on browser as Local, Remote, or Cloud.

    • Mobile Device: Select the mobile OS as Android or iOS

    • Mobile Environment: Select the environment for executing test case on mobile as Local, Remote, or Cloud.
      Note: You can select Web and Mobile environments for custom execution profiles only. The local profile executes on the local computer only.

    • Wait Mode: Select the Wait Mode, Explicit or Implicit.

    • Sync Time: If you select Implicit wait mode, specify the maximum time to wait for every object to load, in seconds. The default value is 20 seconds. 

    • Page Timeout: Specify the maximum time to wait for every page to load, in seconds. The default value is 20 seconds.

    • Timeout: If you select Explicit wait mode, specify the maximum time to find each object, in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

    • Polling Interval: You can specify the amount of time to wait before retrying to find the object, in milliseconds. The default value is 100 milliseconds. 

    • Screen Capture Mode: Select the screen capture mode, Desktop or Browser

    • Report Logs: Generates Info Logs, Error Log, or All Logs for the test suite executions. You can select None, if you do not want any.

    • Application Log Level: Generates Info Logs, Error Log, or All Logs for the custom actions. You can select None, if you do not want any.

    • Maximum Size Per Log File: Lets you specify the maximum size for Info and Error (execution) logs file for a test case iteration. Logs will be written into this file until it reaches the limit. The next logs for the test case iteration will be written into a new file .The default value is 1MB.

    • Application Step Log Size: Lets you specify the maximum size for logs of a step. The default value is 1MB and the maximum value you can define is 2MB.

    • Report CI Tool As: Lets you select a Continuous Integration tool that supports Qualitia Bot executions.
      For more information, refer to the Continuous Integration Tools.

    • New Browser for Every: Launches a new browser for every Test Case or Test Suite execution. Select Test Case for launching a new browser for every test case or select Test Suite for launching a new browser for every test suite.
      Note: This setting applies only to test suite executions.

    • Capture Snapshots On: Select the execution statuses for which you want to capture screenshots.

    • Fail Step on Screenshot Failure: Marks the steps for which screenshots are not captured as Fail. This option is applicable only if the screen capture mode is the browser.

    • Highlight Active Element: Highlights the objects on which actions are being performed.

    • Ignore Angular Synchronization: Removes Angular Synchronization during the test suite execution, as it might cause test case failures. 

    • Keep Dry Run Reports: Allows you to save the test case dry run report while performing a dry running of a test case. This setting is applicable only in System Execution Profile.

    • Optimization Mode: Enabling this option helps accelerate action execution and improves the performance. It only accelerates action execution and does not change the setting-level or the object-level time out. 
      For example, if you encounter an error such as,
      Error: The SearchAndSelect composite action requires 10-15 seconds to process each SFDC lookup class object.
      Solution: In this case, you should turn on the Optimization Mode option from settings for better performance.
      Note: You must turn this option off if you are experiencing failures for the test suites that are created using Qualitia versions before v5.2.0.

      Follow the below steps to enable/disable the Optimization Mode:

      • Open a Web/SFDC project for which you want to change the settings.

      • Access Settings from the left navigation to view the Settings screen.

      • Go to Local Profile.

      • Scroll down, on the right-hand side you will find Optimization Mode.

      • Enable/disable the checkbox as per your requirement and click Save.

      • image-20240628-093445.png

    • Display Report After Execution: Displays the suite execution report after the completion of every test suite execution. 

    • Enable Real-Time Reporting: Displays the test execution results in the Real-Time Reporting Portal. If Web Dashboards feature is enabled for the project, you can view these records in the Dashboard portal.

  6. Configure the following settings on the Additional Configuration tab for a web and mobile project.

    • Press Keys On Inactive Screen: If set to True, it allows you to perform PressKeys using WebDriver. The limitations are browser shortcuts. The default value is False.

    • Use Toolkit For Screen Size: This property is applicable only for ScreenshotMode Desktop. Set it to False if screenshots appear to be cropped. The default value is True.

    • Prefer Custom Action Dependencies: Lets you choose the priority of dependencies between Qualitia and CustomActions. The default value is True.

    • Show Realtime Report At The Start Of Execution: If set to True, it opens the Real-time Reporting Portal at the start of execution. The default value is True.

    • Max Snapshot Writer Queue Capacity: Lets you specify the maximum number of screenshots the queue should hold.

    • Snapshot Writer Thread Priority: Lets you specify the priority of the snapshot thread. The value ranges from 1 to 10. If the value is not set or is out of range, then 5 is set as the default value during execution.

    • Main Thread Priority: Lets you specify the priority of the main thread. The value ranges from 1 to 10. If the value is not set or it is out of range, then 5 is set as a default value during execution.

  7. Configure the following settings on the Browser tab for the associated browser:

    • Go to the Browser tab and select the browser on which you want to execute the test suites - Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. 

    • Driver Path: Select the path where you have installed the driver for the selected browser. If you do not specify the browser driver path, Qualitia automatically downloads and installs the compatible driver for the selected browser.

      Note: Qualitia does not download the driver automatically if your network security settings do not allow downloading of files.

    • Browser Profile Path: Specify the browser profile path when you want to execute on a custom browser profile other than the default browser profile. 

    • Desired Capabilities: Shows the additional capabilities for the selected browser type. To know the meaning of the additional fields, mouseover on the info icon next to the field in the UI.
      For more information on frequently used desired capabilities, refer to Frequently Used Desired Capabilities for Desktop Web Applications.

  8. Configure the following settings on the Mobile tab for the associated mobile platform:

    • Go to the Mobile tab and select the browser on which you want to execute the test suites - iOS or Android. 

    • Appium Options: Specify the Appium Server Option, Automatic or Custom. Automatic means the Appium server that is bundled along with QAS - Client. If you select Custom, you need to enter the Appium server IP address along with port details of the Appium server you have installed manually. For example, a custom Appium server URL can be

    • UDID: Specify the UDID of the mobile device.

      • For Android: Enter the mobile device Id.

      • For iOS: Enter the mobile device identifier where you want to execute the test cases.

    • Mobile Browser: Select the mobile browser where you want to execute the test cases.

    • Execute on Mobile Web: Allows you to execute the test suites on a physical mobile device.

    • Device Name: Specify the name of the device on which you want to execute the test suite.

    • Automation Name: Select the name of the automation framework. 

      • If you select Android platform, select UIAutomator2, Selendroid, Appium or Espresso

      • If you select iOS platform, select Appium or XCUITest.

    • Native Object Sync Time: Specify the maximum time for Appium server to wait for a native object to display, in seconds. The default value is 2 seconds.

    • Desired Capabilities: Shows the additional capabilities for the selected Mobile Operating System and its browser type. To know the meaning of the additional fields, mouseover on the info icon next to the field in the UI.
      For more information on frequently used desired capabilities, refer to Frequently Used Desired Capabilities for Mobile Applications.

Frequently Used Desired Capabilities for Desktop Web Applications

The following table describes some of the frequently used desired capabilities for testing Desktop Web applications. 

Desired Capability


Desired Capability


chromeOptions > args

Define the command-line arguments to use when starting Chrome. Arguments with an associated value should be separated by a '=' sign.

Example: --headless, --start-maximized, --lang=fr, --incognito, user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_profile.

Remember to prefix arguments with --.

Example: --start-maximized, --incognito, --headless, --disable-web-security,  --lang=fr.

See for a list of Chrome arguments.


Whether the session supports executing user supplied JavaScript in the context of the current page (only on HTMLUnitDriver).

Possible values are true or false.


What the browser should do with an unhandled alert before throwing out the UnhandledAlertException.

Possible values are accept, dismiss, and ignore.


Whether the session can interact with modal popups, such as window.alert and window.confirm.

Possible values are true or false. 

Frequently Used Desired Capabilities for Mobile Applications

The following table describes some of the frequently used desired capabilities for testing Mobile applications.

Desired Capability


Desired Capability


Desired Capability


Desired Capability



Set this to True when executing on a Android hybrid application. This  will capture the screenshots when executing on web-context for a hybrid application after switching from the native-context of the hybrid application during the suite execution.  


Do not reset app state before this session. By default, it is set to false.

Example: noReset = true


Reset app state by uninstalling app instead of clearing app data. This will also remove the app after the session is complete. By default, it is set to false.

Example: fullReset = true

chromeOptions > args

Define the command-line arguments to use when starting Chrome. Arguments with an associated value should be separated by a '=' sign.

Example: --headless, --start-maximized,  --lang=fr, user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_profile.

Do not forget to prefix arguments with --.

Example: --start-maximized, --headless,  --disable-web-security, --lang=fr.

See for a list of Chrome arguments.


The absolute local path to webdriver executable (if Chromium embedder provides its own webdriver, it should be used instead of original chromedriver bundled with Appium).

Example: chromedriverExecutable=/abs/path/to/webdriver

Alternatively, if you have chosen Appium for execution, from the Appium UI, under the Advanced Settings, enter the chrome driver path.
