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Test Scenario

This document covers the prerequisites to add, update, and delete Test Scenarios in Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS).



  1. User should have QAS - Client installed.

  2. User should be assigned to an existing project.

  3. User/Project should have at-least one scenario created to get started with Test case/test scenario creation.


User should have the below privileges:

  • Import Feature: Import test cases or other project elements.

  • Manage Scenarios: Control the scenarios within your test suites.

👁️ View Test Scenarios 

To view an existing test scenario:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view the Test Explorer screen.

    1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenario.

  3. You can search for the existing test scenarios using the Search bar.

  4. Using Find, you can find the existing test scenario.

    1. This will open a popup window in which you can enter text to find.

    2. The matching results will be highlighted in orange color.

  5. Use the Jump to Selection icon, if you have a long list of test scenario and you wanted to scroll to the last one.

‍➕ Create Test Scenarios 

To create a new test scenario:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view Test Explorer screen.

    1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios.

  3. When no Test Scenarios exist, you are prompted to Create Scenario in the Test Explorer section.

  4. You can also click + Create Scenario from the top left corner of the tabular section.

  5. Clicking Create Scenario will open a Create Scenario window with the following fields: 

    1. Name: Enter an intuitive name for the test scenario that is easy to recognize.

      1. Maximum length permitted is 300 characters including spaces.

    2. Description: A brief description about the scenario.

    3. If you intend to create multiple scenarios, click the Create another scenario checkbox.

  6. Once completed, click Save to proceed; otherwise, click Discard

  7. Repeat steps from 4 through 6 for each additional test scenario you want to add.

‍🧑‍💼Manage Test Scenarios

You can update an existing test scenario and delete an unwanted or redundant test scenario.


 To update an existing test scenario:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from left navigation to view Test Explorer screen.

    1. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios.

  3. Hover mouse over a test scenario to view the Edit option.

  4. Click the Pencil icon and you are prompted to update:

    1. Scenario Name

    2. Description

  5. Click Save to update the scenario; otherwise, Discard.


To delete an unwanted or redundant test scenario:

  1. Login to QAS - Client.

  2. Access Develop from the left navigation to view Test Explorer screen.

  3. On the Explorer section, you can view existing Test Scenarios.

  4. Hover mouse over a test scenario to view the Delete option.

  5. Click the Bin icon to delete. 

If the scenario has test cases, you cannot delete that scenario. You should delete the existing test cases to be able to delete a scenario.

💡 Golden Nuggets: Best Practices for Test Scenario Management

When managing test scenarios in QAS, a strategic approach can improve efficiency and prevent issues down the line. Here are some best practices to consider: 

  1. Test Scenario Distribution: Organize and distribute test scenarios based on project needs but always retain a level of flexibility for unexpected requirements.
    Example: In a banking application testing project, organize test scenarios into categories such as Account Management, Transaction Processing, and Reporting. Distribute the scenarios based on the team's expertise and assign testers accordingly. This ensures efficient utilization of resources and expertise.

  2. Track Usage: Monitor the application and effectiveness of your test scenarios, ensuring that they are relevant and not overlooked.
    Example: Maintain a tracking mechanism or dashboard to monitor the execution and effectiveness of test scenarios. Track the number of times each scenario is executed, the pass/fail rate, and any issues identified. This helps in identifying underutilized or problematic scenarios that require attention.

  3. Maintain Validity: Keep your test scenarios updated and relevant to prevent them from becoming obsolete and disrupting operations.
    Example: Regularly review and update test scenarios to ensure they remain valid and aligned with the latest software changes. If a new feature is added or an existing feature is modified, update the relevant test scenarios to reflect the changes. This prevents scenarios from becoming outdated and avoids confusion during testing.

  4. Modular vs. Comprehensive: Choose between creating separate, modular test scenarios for each functionality or comprehensive test scenarios that cover multiple functionalities based on your testing needs and complexity of the project.
    Example: For a complex e-commerce application, consider a modular approach by creating separate test scenarios for functionalities like login, product search, checkout, and payment. This allows for focused testing and easier maintenance. On the other hand, for a simple brochure website, comprehensive test scenarios covering the entire user journey may suffice.

  5. Test Scenario Updates: Always remember to update test scenarios when changes are made to the software or when reassigning to another project, maximizing scenario utility.
    Example: Suppose a software upgrade introduces a new authentication mechanism in a healthcare application. Update the relevant test scenarios to include the new authentication steps and ensure proper coverage. If the project gets reassigned to another team, review and update the test scenarios to align with their specific requirements and configurations.

  6. Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of test scenario allocation and usage to optimize test scenario management.

📞📚 Here to Help: Support and Resources

If you have questions that are not addressed in the documentation, you may raise them in the Qualitia Community.


