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OV_❗Failure Summary

Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS) categorizes execution failures to help you identify issues in your test suite executions. The failure category is sorted by the number of corresponding failures.

You can select a failure category to view the failed steps.

Note: Failure categorization is not available for desktop projects.

Here are some predefined failure categories:

Failure Category


Action Failure

The action defined for the step did not execute correctly.

Action Is Not Supported

The action in the step is not defined in Qualitia or cannot be used in the selected browser/environment.

Cannot Select From Dropdown

The specified dropdown list does not exist, or it does not contain the defined parameter.

Class File Is Missing In The Project

The custom action did not execute because its source file is missing.

Failed To Store Data

The action related to storing data failed.

File Does Not Exist

The specified file is not found in the defined location, or the file extension is incorrect, or the step failed to create a file in the specified location.

Incorrect Data Format

The parameters contain data in an invalid format.

Data Is Not Supported

The parameter contains data that the object or the action does not support.

Invalid Expression

The conditional expression syntax or the input parameter for an action is invalid.

Invalid Input Parameters

The test data provided for the action is invalid.

Object Does Not Exist

The object is not found or disabled on the selected browser/environment.

Testdata Provided Empty Or NULL

The test data is not provided for the action.

Timeout Encountered

The associated object is not found within the specified Wait Time.

Uniqueness Violation

Unique values are not provided.


The whole test case was aborted due to incorrect application URL, wrong environment selection, or invalid Javascript expression.

Expected Result Not Met

The step's result is a defect when actual results and expected results are different.

Lack Of Permissions

You do not have access to the environment or on application under test feature you are testing.

 You can add custom failure categories to custom actions as needed.

To view a failure summary for a suite execution:

  1. From Suite of Suites screen, click the test suite execution you want to view.

  2. In Test Suite Execution Summary Report, click the Failure Summary button.

  3. You can view failure categories and the number of failed steps for each category.

  4. Click a failure category to view test case iterations where the failure occurred.

  5. Click a test case iteration to view the failure categories in that iteration.

  6. Click a failure category to view the failed steps in that iteration. If the step is part of a task, the task name and task iteration are also shown.

  7. Click on a failed step to open the test case iteration detailed report with the selected step highlighted. You can also view the screenshot and Info Log for the failed step.
