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(v2) 👑Suite of Suites

The Suite of Suites screen is a handy tool to view all the test suite executions related to the projects you are involved in. This screen gives you the ability to view test suites that are currently running, finished, stopped prematurely (aborted), or all of the above. You can also see real-time updates on the progress of running test suites.

Each test suite listed on this screen gives you two types of information:

Test Suite Environment Details 

Here, you can find:

  • Test suite name

  • Machine name

  • IP address

  • Project name

  • Indication of how the test suite was run: either through a Qualitia Client (marked as Qualitia) or as an offline suite (marked as Offline). If the offline suite was run using a Continuous Integration (CI) tool, the name of that tool is shown next to the test suite result.

  • Information on the operating system and browsers used for the test case execution (available when you hover over the Environment Icon).

  • The total time taken to run the test suite. 

Test Suite Execution Details

In this section, you get:

  1. The total number of test cases in the Suite, along with the number of test cases that have Passed, Failed, not been run, or have defects.

  2. A progress chart showing the completion percentage for ongoing executions.

  3. All execution results are shown according to your computer's local time. 

The Suite of Suites screen also helps you keep track of connection issues. If a suite's progress shows a red dot, it means the suite's results haven't been updated in the last 5 minutes. In this case, you should check if the test suite is still running or if there's been a connection loss to the Qualitia server.

If the suite's results haven't been updated for more than 1 hour, the Real Time Reporting portal marks the suite as Aborted. For more information on what to do in this case, please refer to the 'Aborted Test Suite Executions' section.

Notifications About Server Space

As you run more suite executions, the drive space where Real Time reporting assets are stored begins to shrink. The Real-time reporting portal alerts you when the available drive space gets too low:

  • If the available drive space is between 10% and 30%, an amber-colored warning message appears at the top of the Portal page. This message tells you how much drive space is left and suggests that you keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't drop below 10%.

  • If the available drive space is less than 10%, a red warning message appears at the top. This warns you that Real Time Reporting can't display new suite executions anymore, and you won't be able to upload or save a report.

In both scenarios, you'll need to get in touch with the Qualitia Admin to clear out (or "purge") reports. You can find instructions on how to do this in the 'Purging Reports' section.

How to Filter a Test Suite List

The list of test suites can be filtered according to associated projects, test suite name, users, and date range. You can also search for a specific project, test suite, or user.

Here's how to filter the test suite list:

  1. Select a Date Range or click the Filter button at the top right corner.

  2. Choose your filter options from the list.

Uploading a Test Suite Execution Summary Report 

Every time a test suite is run, whether through Qualitia Client or an Offline Package, the test suite execution summary report is saved locally on the execution computer.

You can upload a locally saved test suite execution report to the Real Time Reporting in these situations:

  1. The results didn't get pushed to the Real Time Reporting Portal during the execution due to a network failure or the Qualitia Server services getting restarted.

  2. An offline suite execution wasn't connected to the Qualitia Server.

  3. The execution of a test suite wasn't set up to show its results on the Real Time Reporting portal.

  4. A test suite was run in parallel using Power Shell Utility.

To upload multiple suite execution summary reports at once, see the section on Uploading Multiple Suite Execution Reports to Real Time Reporting Portal.

Note: If you're uploading a locally saved test suite execution report that was run using a Qualitia version older than v8.0.0, you'll need to upload the report from the Old Reports screen of a Qualitia Client.

Here's how to upload a test suite execution summary report:

  1. Make a ZIP file of the report folder you want to upload.

  2. Login to Qualitia Automation Studio Client.

  3. Access Reports from left navigation of your Qualitia Automation Studio - Client <insert Screenshot>

  4. Open Suite of Suites screen. <insert Screenshot>

  5. Click Upload button in the top right corner.

  6. Either drag and drop the ZIP file of the report or click Browse to upload the ZIP file of the locally saved test suite execution report.

After you upload the test report, you'll be able to see its execution details in the Web Dashboards starting from the next day.
