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(8.5.X) Working with Test cases in Qualitia

In order to execute your test cases using ALM, you must set some configurations in Qualitia accordingly. 

Linking Qualitia Project to ALM Project

In order to link or map your Qualitia test cases to ALM test cases, you have to link your Qualitia project to ALM project. 

To link Qualitia project to ALM project:

  1. Log on to Qualitia as a project administrator.
  2. On the Admin section, go to Project.
  3. Select the project you want to link to ALM project.
  4. Click the link icon in the ALM section.
  5. Fill up all the details of ALM.


Server URLEnter the ALM Server URL. This URL contains host and server details where ALM exists. For Example:
UsernameEnter username to access ALM.
PasswordEnter the password to access ALM.  
ProjectEnter the ALM project name (case-sensitive) to which you want to link Qualitia test cases.
(warning) One Qualitia project can be linked to one ALM project only.
DomainEnter the ALM domain (case-sensitive) to which you want to add Qualitia test cases.
Test TypeThis is the ALM test type which will be selected by default when you link Qualitia test cases to ALM test case.

       6. Click Link.

You can unlink the project from ALM. Unlinking will remove all your connections to ALM project and this action cannot be reversed.

Linking Manual ALM Test Cases to Qualitia Test Cases

You can link your existing Qualitia test cases to the existing manual test cases of ALM. 

In order to do so, you have to link your Qualitia project to ALM project to which you want to link your test cases.

To link Qualitia test cases to ALM test cases:

  1. On the Develop tab, click Test Cases.
  2. Select Scenario.
    All the test cases under selected scenario appear on the right pane.
  3. Select the required test case from the list or create a new test case.
  4. To link Qualitia test case to ALM test case, click Search.
    The Search window appears.
  5. Select the required ALM folder and Test case and click Select.
    The selected ALM test case name then appears on the Test Case Details screen.
    (info) One ALM manual test case can be linked to one Qualitia test case only. Once any manual test case is linked to Qualitia test case, it will not appear in the search results again.
  6. Click End Search to close the ALM Search section.
  7. Click OK.
    Qualitia test case is now linked to the ALM test case. You can trigger execution of this test case from ALM.

Exporting Qualitia Test Suites to ALM

Qualitia's integration with ALM helps you to export test suites to ALM software. Qualitia allows you to add test suites to ALM's different folders based on your requirements.

After the test case execution, you can see the execution reports from the ALM itself.

To export test cases to ALM:

  1. On the Execute tab, select the suite from which you want to add export test cases to ALM.
  2. Mark the test cases which you want to export, click Export.
    The ALM Server Details dialog appears.
  3. Ensure all the ALM Server Details entered are correct.
    In case you want to update the details, update from the Admin > Project section.
  4. To search and select folder from ALM, click Search.
    An ALM Search section appears.
  5. Select the folder from ALM where you want to add this test suite.
    (info) To close the ALM Search section, click End Search
  6. Click Export.
