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(8.3.1) Add Object Spy as a Browser Extension

Download the Qualitia Object Spy extension into your Chrome or Edge browser to then launch  it in the browser.

To add Qualitia Object Spy as an extension to a browser:

  1. You can add Qualitia Object spy as an extension to Chrome or Edge browser:
    • To add the Chrome Object Spy:
      1. Download the ChromeExtension folder from the S3 location to your computer.
      2. Extract the QualitiaChromeExtension-8.3.x zip file in a local folder on your computer.
      3. Launch Google Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://extensions/.
    • To add the Edge Object Spy:
      1. Download the EdgeExtension folder from the S3 location to your computer.
      2. Extract the QualitiaEdgeExtension-8.3.x zip file in a local folder on your computer.
      3. Launch Microsoft Edge browser and navigate to edge://extensions/.
  2. Enable Developer Mode.
  3. Click Load Unpacked.
  4. Select the location of the extracted zip file (QualitiaChromeExtension-8.3.x  or QualitiaEdgeExtension-8.3.x), and click OK.

    You can now launch Qualitia Object Spy on the selected browser. For more detailed instructions, Launching Object Spy from the Browser.
