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Skip and Comment Feature

The Skip feature has been introduced in Qualitia to provide flexibility while working with the product. The Comment feature can be useful when the user wants to add notes and document the test case development. Both Comment and Skip functionalities support multi-user scenarios.

The Skip feature lets you skip one or more steps or a task instance within a test case. The steps or task instances that you choose for skipping are excluded during the process of debugging and execution.

The Comment feature lets you add notes or comments to a step or a task during test case development or modification, as well as while you are debugging.

Skip Feature

You can select a single step or multiple steps to perform skip or unskip on development and Task views. You can skip step(s) with right mouse click on a step and then click Skip from the context menu. You can press Ctrl + k to perform skip or unskip.

Skipped steps are skipped during execution and are not shown on execution reports.


  • Skip and Unskip is a toggle context menu. Ctrl+K is also a toggle shortcut key.
  • After you select step(s) to skip, validation will start immediately.  If validation result is successful, it will skip the selected step(s) successfully. Otherwise appropriate error message/action will be shown/performed.     
  • TestData is not shown for skipped step(s) on Development window.

Skip Functionality

You can choose to skip all steps in a Test case. In this case, since there are no steps to execute, Dry run will not be launched.

  • You can use the Shift key to select multiple steps. Control key multi-select are only allowed within Task's steps.
  • Breakpoint is allowed if a step is already skipped. Also, skip is allowed on a step with breakpoint.
  • If you select the Task header and choose to skip, then only that Task block gets skipped. It will not skip other instances of the same task that may present in the test case or in other test cases.
  • Note: Task header skip is not selected multiselect.
  • Skipping some steps of a task is reflected in all the associated test cases.
  • You cannot modify skipped step(s) but can move the skipped step(s) up/down. However, user can perform delete operation on it.
  • You can add a step in between two skipped steps.
  • You will get the options 'Skip Task Block', 'Skip', 'UnSkip Task Block' and 'UnSkip' on the context menu.
  • The conditional blocks: If/Else/End If/Else If are not allowed to skip neither in single selection nor in multiselection. However, you can skip a complete task that contains conditional steps.
  • Complete task skip does not allow add, delete, modify and move up/down operations.
  • Multiple users are not allowed to modify same step simultaneously.
  • Skip operation on a task step is similar to modify operation on a task and hence all the verifications and rules that are applicable to a normal task modification will be applicable to skip operation.
    Please note: This functionality is applicable to both skip and unskip of step(s).

Comment Feature

    Using this feature, you can can add a new comment, edit an existing comment and delete comment. This feature is present on development view and task view.

Add, edit, and delete comment feature on Development view.

Add Comment

  1. Right click a step where you want to add Comment. Select 'Add Comment' menu from opened context menu.
  2. Insert comment text in the opened comment popup. Close the popup by mouse click outside the popup, click on cross button present at the top-right corner of popup or press escape key.

Edit Comment:

  1. To edit comment, right-click on the step and select 'Edit Comment' menu from context menu. The comment popup is opened in edit mode with the cursor positioned at the end of the comment.

 Delete Comment:

  1. To delete comment, right-click on the step and select 'Delete Comment' menu from context menu.

It will ask for confirmation to delete. In the example, comment is Task step, so it will show the following message:


  • 'Add Comment' and 'Edit Comment' options are toggle menu.
    • Comment accepts maximum 1000 characters.
    • Comment popup is resizable and movable.
  • To resize, drag bottom-right corner.
  • To move, click on header of comment popup.
  • Delete functionality is initially disabled for any step.
  1. Comments will get automatically saved on click of "Save" and "Save As" button on development and Task views.
  2. User can add comment only on rows, not on its individual cell.
  3. Step comment will be shown using red upper triangle icon as shown below.
  4. Added/ edited comment text is visible only on mouseover of red icon.
  5. When user select Add/Edit comment option, then Comment popup is opened at the start of that row.

  • You can select multiple steps and select comment option. Then, the comment will get assigned to the step that is selected first.
  • This feature is visible across project.
  • Shortcut for Add/Edit comment is Ctrl+M. Delete has no shortcut key.
  • Row copy functionality: It copies row with comment followed by row content. This functionality is not applicable for task header and condition steps.
  • Comments get saved in testcase and task xml files.
  • If more than one user tries to access the same comment simultaneously, SVN lock will be applied.
