Understanding SVN Changes

Understanding SVN Changes

This page provides information about the changes after integration with SVN. Changes take place at various levels such as Task level, Test Case level, Save As, Suite level, Scheduler, and Report.

Changes to Task

Task Update on Load

Before the task is rendered, Qualitia checks if the updated version of the task exists in SVN and if it does, then it loads the updated version of the tasks.

Task Edit

Qualitia checks if the updated version of the task exists in SVN and reloads the updated version of the tasks in such a case.

Multiple users cannot work on the same task simultaneously. If the task is being worked upon by other users, the current user cannot edit it.

Task committed on Save

Once you have saved a task, the changes are committed to SVN. Hence other users get an updated version when the task is loaded.

Task Save As

The new task file created is committed to SVN.

Changes to Test Cases

Test Case Update on Load

Before the test case is rendered, Qualitia checks if the updated version of the test case and tasks exists in SVN and loads the updated version of test case and tasks.
Qualitia checks if the contained tasks have been modified by the current user or other users. If changes are detected, Qualitia then applies the changes to the test case accordingly. For example, there can be new steps added to the test case or contained tasks. Qualitia updates the test case and requests the user to provide the data to such steps if required.

You get the following message:

You can test the Test Case changes by clicking Run. The changes are not auto saved when you click Run. You must explicitly save the test case to commit changes that Qualitia has made to the test case and the data that you specify for additional task steps, if any. 

Editing the Test Case

Multiple users cannot work on the same test case simultaneously. When the test case is edited, you get the information about the other user working on it.

Locking the Test Case or Task

When you try to modify the task from the test case screen and no other user is editing the same task, you are allowed to change the task and acquire a "lock" on that task. When you attempt to edit the task, Qualitia checks if other users have modified the task and newer version of the task exist in the version control system. In such a case, an update for the task is taken and the task is reloaded. Once saved, the changes are committed to version control system. Other users are allowed to modify this test case when you navigate to a different test case or scenario or to a different screen.

Changes to Save As

The new test case created with Save As is committed to SVN.

Import Tasks into Test Case

Qualitia gets updated tasks from SVN and new tasks saved by other users are visible during import.

Modified Tasks on Test Case Screen

In order to help user identify which tasks in the test case are modified since loading, tasks, and test cases are marked with an Edit icon.

Changes at Suite Level

Qualitia checks if the test cases and tasks in the current suite have been modified or the newer version of test cases exists in SVN.

The test cases and tasks are updated from SVN.

Qualitia also checks if the test cases in the suite are impacted by the changes to their tasks and prompts you to change the required tests.

If you click Run, Qualitia updates the test case accordingly and the changes to the test cases are committed to SVN. This ensures that other users get updated version of test cases when they try to run a suite. It is possible that the test cases Qualitia wants to update are being worked upon by other users. In such cases, you can click Run and proceed with the execution excluding locked test cases or alternatively click Cancel if the locked test case is important and try to execute the suite later.

Changes to Scheduler

For a suite that is scheduled for execution, Qualitia gets updated versions of test cases and tasks from SVN.

Qualitia checks if there are any changes made to the suits scheduled for execution and takes the latest version for execution.

If the test case that needs changes and is being worked upon by other users, scheduler execution proceeds with the rest of the test cases.

Changes to Reports

During execution, if there are test cases which were impacted due to changes to contained tasks, Qualitia attempts to modify the test cases.

If such test cases are being worked upon by other users, Qualitia cannot access and update the test case files. Such test cases are not executed and are marked with Not executed status in the report.

Changes to Save As Project

The target project should be committed to SVN already before attempting Save As project.

Ensure that no other user is working on the artifacts of the source project. This helps Qualitia to save updated versions of the tasks and test cases.

The below message is prompted to ensure no other user is working on the source project.

If the source project contains any test cases or tasks that are being worked upon by other users, you get the following prompt.

If there are no users accessing the project and you attempt Save As, then Qualitia makes a copy of the selected project artifacts. Once a copy is made, copied artifacts are committed to SVN.

Changes to Subversion

Authentication Check

Qualitia checks following entries from the Project Settings window.

  • User Name
  • Password 

You must select the check box and enter correct values for the fields mentioned above. 

SVN Working Copy Checks

The test cases and tasks must be mapped to the correct SVN URL.

Qualitia checks if the working copy points to the proper SVN URL for the project. This check is performed to: 

  • Get updated versions of the test cases and task folders.
  • Commit new tasks/changes to the existing tasks or test cases to SVN.

If the project path provided on the Configuration Settings is not correct or one or more projects do not exist in the designated path Qualitia displays the following error message. 

In order to get rid of the error mentioned above:

  1. Check the project path on the Configuration Settings Window. 
  2. Ensure the project folder exists at the project path.
  3. Ensure the project folder at your project path is checked-in in SVN and that it points to the correct SVN URL.

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