Cloning a Repository
Cloning a Repository
ravi.chandran (Unlicensed)
Owned by ravi.chandran (Unlicensed)
Sept 01, 2021
Loading data...
After you create a repository in Bitbucket, you must clone it on your local system to start working on it.
To clone the repository:
- Log on to Windows machine where you have installed Qualitia Automation Studio Client.
- Navigate to the folder where you want to clone the Bitbucket repository.
- Right-click and select the Git Bash Here option.
Enter the following command and press Enter.
$ git clone <Bitbucket repository URL>
The repository will be cloned to your local system and you can now add Qualitia projects to this repository.
To get the correct URL, go to bitbucket.org > Select Repository Name > from the right-top corner, click Clone.
Initial Commit
After you clone the repository on your local system, it's time to add files into this repository and create initial commit.
To create initial commit:
- Navigate into the folder where you have cloned the Bitbucket repository.
- Right-click and select the Git Bash Here option.
Enter the following commands one-by-one to create, add, commit a file into the Bitbucket repository.
$ echo "Earth's Moon" >> locations.txt $ git add locations.txt $ git commit -m "<your comment>"
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