Qualitia Public APIs for Custom Actions  

Qualitia Public APIs for Custom Actions  


Qualitia has shared the APIs to create custom actions. Earlier, Qualitia used to provide with public static variables and methods.



This method is used to get the webdriver being used. The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.getDriver() 

For example, if you want to find an element on browser using ID, user can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

                element = getWebDriver().findElement(By.id(locator)); 


In earlier versions: 

                element = QualitiaSelenium.getDriver().findElement(By.id(locator)); 



This method is used to get the mobile driver being used. The method is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.getDriver(). 

For example, If you want to find an element on browser using ID, user can do it as: 
In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase(CONSTANTS.XPATH)) { 

                element = getMobileDriver().findElementByXPath(By.id(locator)); 


In earlier versions: 

if (locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase(CONSTANTS.XPATH)) { 

                element = QualitiaMobile.getDriver().findElementByXPath(By.id(locator)); 


storeData(String key, String value) 

This method is used to store environment data in StoreHashMap. 

The method is an alternative to FwUtil.storeData(). 

getStoredData(String key) 

This method is used to get the value of particular key stored in StoreHashMap. 

The method is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.get(). 

storeDataContainsValue(String value) 

This method is used to find if Storehashmap has the particular value present or not.  If it returns true then the Storehashmap has value else value is not present as store data.   

The method is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.containsValue(). 

removeFromStoreData(String key) 

This method is used to remove store data with particular key from StoreHashMap. 

The method is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.remove() 


This method is used to get stored data as Objects. 

storeDataAsObject(String key, Object value) 

This method is used to store environment data  as objects in StoreHashMap. 

The method is an alternative to FwUtil.storeData(). 

storeData(Map<String, String> storeMap) 

This method is used to store environment data in StoreHashMap where all the data is stored in storeMap along with their keys. 

The method is an alternative to FwUtil.storeData(). 

storeDataAsObject(Map<String, Object> storeMap) 

This method is used to store environment data  as objects in StoreHashMap where all the object data is stored in storeMap along with their keys. 

storeDataContainsKey(String key) 

This method is used to find if Storehashmap has the particular key present of not. 

If it returns true then the Storehashmap has key else key is not present as store data. 

The method is an alternative to Controller.STOREHASHMAP.containsKey() 


This method is used to set the value of "CurrentWebExecutionPlatform".  

The value can either be "DESKTOP" or "MOBILE" which can be set using "WebExecutionPlatform.DESKTOP" and "WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE" respectively.  
This can be used when the testcase switches platforms while execution.  

The method is an alternative to  QualitiaTestCase.setCurrentWebExecutionPlatform(). 

For example: If user wants the current action to execute on Desktop, he can set it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 


In earlier versions: 



This method is used to get the value of "CurrentWebExecutionPlatform".  The value can either be "WebExecutionPlatform.DESKTOP" or "WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE".  

Also, this method can be used to know which platform is the testcase running on currently. 

The method is an alternative to  QualitiaTestCase.getCurrentWebExecutionPlatform() 

For example: If user wants to do a particular operation when testcase is running on Desktop and another operation when testcase is running on Mobile, you can do it as: 

     In Qualitia 8.0.0: 



        //Desktop related operation 


        else if(getCurrentWebExecutionPlatform().equals(WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE) 


        //Mobile related operation 


      In earlier versions: 



        //Desktop related operation 


        else if(QualitiaTestCase.getCurrentWebExecutionPlatform().equals(WebExecutionPlatform.MOBILE) 


        //Mobile related operation 



This method is used to know if the current platform that the testcase is executing on is MOBILE or not. It returns true if the current web execution platform is Mobile and returns false if it is Desktop.  

The method is an alternative to CommonUtil.isCurrentWebExecutionPlatformMobile().  

For example: If user wants to do a particular operation when testcase is running on Mobile, you can do it as:  

In Qualitia 8.0.0:  





        //Mobile related operation  



In earlier versions:  





        //Mobile related operation  




This method is used to get the value of Internet explorer driver path which is provided in the execution profile. The value can be either given by user in the execution profile or if driver is downloaded automatically then it is a default value. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_IE_DRIVERPATH. 

For example, if you want to set system property value for IE driver, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        System.setProperty("webdriver.ie.driver", GLOBALS.CONFIG_IE_DRIVERPATH); 

In earlier versions: 

        System.setProperty("webdriver.ie.driver", GLOBALS.CONFIG_IE_DRIVERPATH); 


This method is used to get the value of Google Chrome driver path which is provided in the execution profile. The value can be either given by user in the execution pofile or if driver is downloaded automatically then it is a default value. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_CHROME_DRIVERPATH. 

For example, if you want to set system property value for IE driver, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", GLOBALS.CONFIG_CHROME_DRIVERPATH); 

In earlier versions: 

        System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", GLOBALS.CONFIG_CHROME_DRIVERPATH);     


This method is used to get the value of Firefox driver path i.e. geckodriver which is provided in the execution profile.  

The value can be either given by user in the execution profile or if driver is downloaded automatically then it is a default value.  The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_FF_DRIVERPATH. 
For example, if you want to set system property value for IE driver, you can do it as:    

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", GLOBALS.CONFIG_FF_DRIVERPATH);

In earlier versions: 

        System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", GLOBALS.CONFIG_FF_DRIVERPATH);       


In previous versions of qualitia, all the action methods used to return int value. In latest engine, the return value of all the actions is ActionResponse. 

It has two parameters:  

  • A Message is a statement which you are provided with different outcomes of actions. 

  • An ExecutionResult is the output of the action which is pre-defined as PASSED, FAILED, DEFECT or NOT_EXECUTED. 

    For example, if a user wants to write a custom action for checking two strings are equal, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

     public AcionResponse EqualStrings(String a, String b) 


    ActionResponse actionResponse = getActionResponse(); 



    actionResponse.setMessage("they are equal"); 


    return actionResponse; 




    actionResponse.setMessage("they are not equal"); 


    return actionResponse; 




    In earlier Qualitia versions: 

     public int EqualStrings(String a, String b) 




    DataLogger.writeToDebugAndInfoLogs("they are equal"); 

    return 0; 




    DataLogger.writeToDebugAndInfoLogs("they are not equal"); 

    return 1; 




This method is used to get the step ID. 

The method is an alternative to Controller.strStepID 

For example, if you want to get the ID of current step being executed, you can do as: 

    In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        String stepid = getStepId(); 

    In earlier versions: 

        String stepid = Controller.strStepID; 


This method is used to get the name of the current task which is being executed. 

The method is an alternative to Controller.taskName 

For example, if you want to get the name of current task being executed, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        String Taskname = getTaskName();  

In earlier versions: 

        String Taskname= Controller.taskName; 


This method is used to get the name of current TC being executed.  

The method is an alternative to Controller.testCaseName   
For example, if you want to get the name of current testcase being executed, you can do it as:
In Qualitia 8.0.0:       
String TCname = getTestCaseName();     

In earlier versions: 

        String TCname = Controller.testCaseName;  


This method is used to get the name of current TC being executed, without special characters like escape character(~). 

The method is an alternative to Controller.testCaseNameWithoutSpecialChars.    
For example, if you want to get the name of current testcase being executed, you can do it as:     

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        String TCname = getTestCaseNameWithoutSpecialChars();   

In earlier versions: 

        String TCname= Controller.testCaseNameWithoutSpecialChars;    


This method is used to  get the name of scenario  being executed 

The method is an alternative to Controller.scenarioName 

For example, if you want to get the name of current scenario being executed, you can do it as: 

    In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        String scenarioName = getScenarioName(); 

    In earlier versions: 

        String scenarioName = Controller.scenarioName; 


This method is used to  get the name of current suite being executed.The method is an alternative to Controller.suiteName. 
For example, if you want to get the name of current suite being executed, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

String suiteName = getSuiteName(); 

In earlier versions
String suiteName = Controller.suiteName; 


This method is used to  get current object Id. The method is an alternative to Controller.strObjectID. 
For example, if you want to get the ID of current object on the browser where he wants to set some value, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

String objectID = getObjectID(); 

In earlier versions: 

String objectID = Controller.strObjectID; 


This method is used to get the Iteration folder path (report related data). 

The default value is "C:\Users\user.name\AppData\Local\Qualitia\WD\Client\ResultPath" 

This is an alternative to Controller.ITERATION_FOLDER_PATH 

For example, if you want to get the folder path where all the report related data is kept, you can do it as:  

In Qualitia 8.0.0:  

String itrFolderPath = getIterationFolderPath();

In earlier versions:  

String itrFolderPath = Controller.ITERATION_FOLDER_PATH;       


This method is used to get the suite Directory, the folder path where all the JSON files are present. This is the same as provided in config/startupSettings.json 


This method is used to get appium server URL where appium server is hosted.  

This is an alternative to GLOBALS.appiumServerURL 

For example, if you want to give a messgae regarding connection failure to appium server, he can do this as: 

  In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        public static String APPIUM_NOT_RUNNING = "Failed to connect to Appium Server at " + 

            getMobileURL()+ ". Please verify Appium server host and port and make sure that " + 

            "it is started before executing the test case."; 

    In earlier versions: 

        public String APPIUM_NOT_RUNNING = "Failed to connect to Appium Server at " + 

            GLOBALS.appiumServerURL + ". Please verify Appium server host and port and make sure that " + 

            "it is started before executing the test case."; 


This method is used to get the value of CI_TOOL which is provided in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_CITOOL 

For example, if a user wants to get an Instance of particular CI Tool, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

private static final CIHandler _CIH = CIFactory.getInstance(getCI_Tool()); 

In earlier versions: 

private static final CIHandler _CIH = CIFactory.getInstance(GLOBALS.CONFIG_CITOOL); 


This method is used to get the iteration number of Testcase being executed. The method is an alternative to Controller.testCaseCounter. 


This method is used to decide if the Execution platform is Desktop or not. It returns true when the executing platform is Desktop and returns false when execution platform is Mobile. 

This is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.isDesktopExecution   

For example: If user wants to do a particular operation when testcase is running on Desktop, you can do it as:   

     In Qualitia 8.0.0:   





        //Desktop related operation   





     In earlier versions:   



        //Desktop related operation   



This method is used to get the project name as specified in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_PROJECT. 


This method is used to get the user name as specified in the execution profile.  

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_USERNAME.  


This method is used to get the Build number as specified in the execution profile.  

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_BUILD_NUMBER . 


This method is used to get the release number as specified in the execution profile.  

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_RELEASE_NUMBER. 


This method is used to get the value of "CreateInfoLog" property as specified in the execution profile.   

If the value returns as true, then Info Log file is created.      


This method is used to get the value of "CreateDebugLog" property as specified in the execution profile.   

If the value returns as true, then Debug Log file is created and will be visible in report.


This method is used to get the value of "CreateErrorLog" property as specified in the execution profile.   

If the value returns as true, then Error Log file is generated and will be visible in report.


This method is used to get the value of "ShowReportAfterExec" property as specified in the execution profile.   

If the value is true, then report is opened in a new browser window.

The report is generated and stored in Iteration folder but it is not opened automatically. 


This method is used to get the ID of current function/action being executed. The method is an alternative to Controller.strKeywordID. 


This method is used to  get the base class of current function/action being executed. The method is an alternative to Controller.strActionQClass. 


This method is used to  get the name of current function/action executing. The method is an alternative to Controller.strKeywordName. 


This method is used to decide if the currently executing action is custom action or Qualitia action. 

It returns true when the executing action is custom action and returns false when it is qualitia action. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.isCustomAction.     

For example, if a user wants to do a particular operation depending whether the current executing action is custom action or not, you can do it as:      

    In earlier versions: 



    In Qualitia 8.0.0: 




This method is used to get the value of "CapturePassImage" property as specified in the execution profile.   

If the value is true, then screenshots are captured for steps that have executionResult as PASSED and if it is false then screenshots are not captured for PASSED steps.     


This method is used to get the value of "CaptureFailImage" property as specified in the execution profile.     If the value is true, then screenshots are captured for steps that have executionResult as FAILED and if it is false then screenshots are not captured for FAILED steps.      


This method is used to get the value of "CaptureDefectImage" property as specified in the execution profile.   

    If the value is true, then screenshots are captured for steps that have executionResult as DEFECT and if it is false then screenshots are not captured for DEFECT steps. 


= This method is used to get the value of "HeadlessMode" property as specified in the execution profile. If it return true then the browser is opened in headless mode else it is not. 

This is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_HEADLESSMODE.  


This method is used to get the value of "FailStepOnBrowserScreenshotFailure" property as specified in the execution profile.      

 If the value is true, then if screenshots are not captured properly for PASSED steps  then they are changed to FAILED.If it is false then even if screenshots are not captured for PASSED steps, execution continues normally.  

getQualitiaPropValue(String key) 

This method is used to get value of any Qualitia property as specified in the execution profile. Here key is the Qualitia property name.  

 For example, if you want to know the value of "MobilePlatform", you can do it as: 

String mobilePaltform = getQualitiaPropValue("MobilePlatform"


This method is used to get the value of "WaitMode" property as specified in the execution profile.   

The values can either be "EXPLCIT" or "IMPLICIT". 

This is an alterantive to QualitiaSelenium.getSelectedWaitMode().   

For example, if you want to do a certain task when waitmode is IMPLICIT, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

if(getSelectedWaitMode() == CONSTANTS.WaitMode.IMPLICIT){ 

                // task  


In earlier versions: 

if(QualitiaSelenium.getSelectedWaitMode() == CONSTANTS.WaitMode.IMPLICIT){ 

                // task  



This method is used to get the value of "IntervalTimeOut" property as specified in the execution profile.   

This is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.IntervalTimeOut. 


This method is used for mobile driver cleanup process. 

This is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.quitMobileDriver().  

For example if a user has performed mobile operations using mobile driver and now wants to stop the driver, he can do itas : 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 


In earlier versions: 



This is an alternative to Controller.EXECUTION_TESTCASES(Controller.testCaseCounter).getSelectFrame().


This method is used to get the value of "BrowserName" property as specified in the execution profile.    

The values can be "googleChrome, firefox,iexplorer and safari". 

This is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.getBrowser() 

For example, if a user wants to perform certain task on firefox browser, you can do it as:  

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

  if (getBrowserName().equalsIgnoreCase(CONSTANTS.FIREFOX) 



In earlier versions: 

if (QualitiaSelenium.getBrowser().equalsIgnoreCase(CONSTANTS.FIREFOX) 




This method is used to get the parameter types of an action. 

This is an alternative to QualitiaTestCase.paramTypes.  

For example, if a user wants to call a method using reflection, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

    Method m = class.getMethod(functionName, getParamTypes());   

In earlier versions: 

    Method m = class.getMethod(functionName, QualitiaTestCase.paramTypes); 



This method is used to get the object of elementHighlighter class. It is used to highlight and unhighlight elements in browser.  

 For example, if a user wants to highlight and unhighlight and element, you can do it as: 

In earlier versions: 


In Qualitia 8.0.0: 



This method is used to get the current function/action. This is an alternative to Controller.strKeywordFunction.


This method is used to get the Qfunction for particular keyword. 

This is an alternative to Controller.strKeywordQFunc. 


This method is used to know if the mobile driver is already launched or not.  

If it returns true then the mobile driver has been launched else it is empty or its cleanup process is done. 

This is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.isDriverAlreadyLaunched().   

For example, if a user wants to print a message that Appium driver cannot be launched by checking, you can do it as:   

In earlier versions: 

    if (QualitiaMobile.isDriverAlreadyLaunched()) { 

            _LOGGER.info("Appium Driver is already launched.");} 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

    if (isMobileDriverAlreadyLaunched()) { 

            _LOGGER.info("Appium Driver is already launched.");}  


This method is used to get which type of mobile app is being used. The values can be "NATIVE" or "HYBRID". 

This is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.getCurrentMobileAppType()  

setWebPlatformSession(PlatformSession webPlatformSession) 

This method is used to set a new web driver. This is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.setDriver() 

 for example, if you want to set a new browser web driver, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        PlatformSessionBuilder platformSessionBuilder = new PlatformSessionBuilder(PlatformType.BROWSER_NAME);             

        Future<PlatformSession> webDriverSessionFuture = platformSessionBuilder.buildAsync();     


setMobilePlatformSession(PlatformSession mobilePlatformSession) 

This method is used to set a new mobile driver. This is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.setDriver(). 
For example, if you want to set a new browser mobile driver, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        PlatformSessionBuilder platformSessionBuilder = new PlatformSessionBuilder(PlatformType.BROWSERNAME);             

          Future<PlatformSession> mobileDriverSessionFuture = platformSessionBuilder.buildAsync();     


setActionLevelPageLoadTimeout(String pageLoadTimeout) 

This method is used to set the value of "ActionLevelPageLoadTimeout" property. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.setActionLevelPageLoadTimeout().


This method is used to get the value of "PageLoadTimeout" property.  

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.getPageLoadTimeout(). 


This method is used to get the value of "MaximumFindObjectTimeImplicit" property.  

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.MaximumFindObjectTimeImplicit() 


This method is used to get the value of "MaximumFindObjectTimeExplicit" property.  

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.MaximumFindObjectTimeExplicit() 


This method is used to get the value of "PollingInterval" property.  

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.getPollingInterval().   


This method is used to get the value of "MaximumFindObjectTimeForMobile" property.  

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.maximumFindObjectTime().  


This method is used to get the value of "ScreenCaptureMode" property as specified in the execution profile. 

Values can be BROWSER or DESKTOP. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_SCREEN_CAPTURE_MODE.


This method is used to get the value of IntervalTimout property.  

The method is an alternative to QualitiaMobile.IntervalTimeOut().


This method is used to get the value of "MobileUDID" as specified in the execution profile. 

This property is used to specify the mobile on which the testcase should be run. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.mobileUDID. 


This method is used to get the value of "MobileBrowser" as specified in the execution profile. 

This property is used to specify the mobile browser on which the testcase should be run. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.mobileBrowserName.  


This method is used to get appium server URL where appium server is hosted.   

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.appiumServerURL  
For example, if you want to give a messgae regarding connection failure to appium server, he can do this as:  

In Qualitia 8.0.0:  


        public static String APPIUM_NOT_RUNNING = "Failed to connect to Appium Server at " +  


            getAppiumServerURL()+ ". Please verify Appium server host and port and make sure that " +  


            "it is started before executing the test case.";    


In earlier versions:  


        public String APPIUM_NOT_RUNNING = "Failed to connect to Appium Server at " +  


            GLOBALS.appiumServerURL + ". Please verify Appium server host and port and make sure that " +  


            "it is started before executing the test case.";     


This method is used to get the value of "OptimizationMode" property as specified in the execution profile. 

If it returns true then OptimizationMode is enabled else it is not.  

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_OPTIMIZATION_MODE. 


This method is used to get the value of "IgnoreAngularSynchronization" property as specified in the execution profile. 

If it returns true then AngularSynchronization is ignored else it is not.  



This method is used to get the value of "ExecutionHighlight" property as specified in the execution profile. 

If it returns true then ExecutionHighlight is enabled else it is not.  

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_IS_EXECUTION_HIGHLIGHT. 


This method is used to get the value of "AutoITPath" property as specified in the execution profile. 

Default value is "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3". 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_AUTOITPATH.   


This method is used to get the value of "ExecutionResultPath" property as specified in the execution profile. 

It returns the folder path where Execution Result i.e. Report regarding particular suite execution is stored. 


This method is used to get the value of "ExecutionEnvironment" property as specified in the execution profile.  

The value can either be "LOCAL" or "REMOTE". LOCAL means local machine and REMOTE includes SauceLabs,Perfecto, TestObject etc. 

    The method is an alternative for GLOBALS.WEB_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT 

     For example, if a user wants to a perform a sauce related task, you can do it as: 

    In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        if (getExecutionEnvironment().equalsIgnoreCase(ExecutionEnvironment.Sauce.getEnvironment()) 


    In earlier versions: 

        if (GLOBALS.WEB_EXECUTION_ENVIROMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(ExecutionEnvironment.Sauce.getEnvironment()) 



This method is used to get the value of "RemoteURL" property as specified in the execution profile.  

This is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_REMOTE_URL.  

It is used to get URL of remote environment like Sauce, PErfecto etc, if ExecutionEnvironment is set to remote. 


This method is used to get the value of "NewBrowserMode" property as specified in the execution profile. 

Values can either be "PerTC" or "PerSuite". If the value is PerTC then all the testcases in the suite are independent from each other. If the value is PerSuite then all the testcases are dependent on each other. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.getExecutionMode().

In Qualitia 8.0.0:  

        NewBrowserMode = PerTC/PerSuite 

In earlier versions: 

        QualitiaExecMode= PT/PS   


This method is used to get the value of "MobileExecutionEnvironment" property as specified in the execution profile.  

The value can be "testObject","perfectomobile","perfectoweb","saucemobile","sauceweb". 

The method is an alternative for GLOBALS.mobileExecutionEnvironment     
For example, if a user wants to a perform a sauce related task, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

        if (getMobileExecutionEnvironment().equalsIgnoreCase(ExecutionEnvironment.Sauce.getEnvironment()) 


In earlier versions: 

        if (GLOBALS.mobileExecutionEnvironment.equalsIgnoreCase(ExecutionEnvironment.Sauce.getEnvironment()) 



This method is used to get the value of "MobilePlatform" property as specified in the execution profile.   

Values can either be IOS or Android. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.mobilePlatform  

For example, if a user wants to decide which platform is being used for the testcase, you can do it as: 

In Qualitia 8.0.0: 

if (getMobilePlatform() == MobilePlatformName.ANDROID) { 



        } else if (getMobilePlatform== MobilePlatformName.IOS) { 



In earlier versions: 

if (GLOBALS.mobilePlatform == MobilePlatformName.ANDROID) { 



        } else if (GLOBALS.mobilePlatform == MobilePlatformName.IOS) { 





This method is used to get the value of "QaulitiaServerURL" property as specified in the execution profile. 

This is the URL where Qualitia Server is hosted. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_QUALITIASERVERURL 


This method is used to get the value of "ProductVersion" property as specified in the execution profile. 

This is the version of Qualitia being used. 

 isCurrentQFunction(String func) 

This method is used to decide if the provided func is currentlyt executing or not. 

qIt returns true if current Action running is same as func given in paramter else it returns false. 

The method is an alternative to CommonUtil.isCurrentQFunction().   


This method is used to get the value of "DefaultWebExecutionPlatform" property as specified in the execution profile. 

The value can be MOBILE or DESKTOP. The value of this property decides on which platform will the web testcase be executed. It can be used in hybrid testcase to know which platform is being used currently. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.defaultWebExecutionPlatform.  


This method is used to get the value of "MobileNativeObjectsSyncTime" property as specified in the execution profile. 


This method is used to get the value of "BrowserBinaryPath" property as specified in the execution profile.   


This method is used to get the value of "WindowsAuthentication" property as specified in the execution profile. 


This method is used to get the value of "ReportPath" property as specified in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_REPORTPATH. 


This method is used to get the value of "BrowserProfilePath" property as specified in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_CUSTOM_PROFILEPATH.  


This method is used to get the value of "ToolName" property as specified in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_TOOLNAME.  


This method is used to get the value of "ExecutionType" property as specified in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.CONFIG_EXECUTION_TYPE 


This method is used to get the value of "GridPlatform" property as specified in the execution profile. 

The method is an alternative to GLOBALS.GRID_PLATFORM.   


This method is used to get the current platform on which the Testcase is executing. It can either be MOBILE or DESKTOP. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaTestCase.getLastDriverTypeUsed().  


This method is used to set the current platform on which the Testcase must execute. It can either be MOBILE or DESKTOP. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaTestCase.setLastDriverTypeUsed().  


This method is  used to update web execution platform in system variables. 


This method is used to get the value of driver type used. It can be Web or Mobile. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaTestCase.getLastDriverTypeUsed().  


This method is used to set the value of driver type used. It can be Web or Mobile. 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaTestCase.setLastDriverTypeUsed() 


This method is used to remove all the special characters and escape characters from expression provided in conditions like IF. 

The method is an alternative to FwUtil.resolveSpecialCharactersAndVariablesAndEscape().   


This method is used to remove all the special characters and escape characters from expression provided in conditions like IF. 

The method is an alternative to FwUtil.resolveSpecialCharactersAndVariables(). 


This method is used to resolve object properties.  


This method is used to get the Execution Mode value. Value can either be PS(PerSuite) or PT (PerTestCase). 

The method is an alternative to QualitiaSelenium.getExecutionMode() 



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