Accessing Qualitia Test Execution Reports in Azure DevOps

Accessing Qualitia Test Execution Reports in Azure DevOps

After executing Qualitia automated tests, Qualitia test execution reports are attached to the respective test in Azure DevOps test. You can access these reports from the Test run section.

Azure DevOps assigns run ID each time when you run Qualitia automated tests for easy identification.


The test results zip file that is attached to an Azure DevOps pipeline does not contain the screenshots. This is due to size limitations defined by Azure DevOps.

To access Qualitia test execution report:

  1. Sign in to the Azure DevOps instance.
  2. From the top menu items, navigate to Test > Runs.
  3. Double-click the Run ID to view more information about that particular instance. 
  4. Select Test results.
    A list of tests appears which were executed in the selected run instance.
  5. Double-click the test to view more information about it.
  6. In the Attachments section, you will find Qualitia test case result in a zip file.
  7. Download and extract the zip file and open summary.html using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to view the detailed results.