Headless Executions

Headless Executions

Headless executions are the test case executions in which browser is not displayed. Typically, headless executions are faster as compared with general executions. QAS supports Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers to execute test cases in headless mode.

Qualitia supports headless test case execution on following browsers and operating systems.

Google Chromev60+v59+v59+

The following table shows how to execute test suite in headless mode by doing manual settings or through CLI for an offline package execution.



Using Qualitia Client or OfflineConfigManager Utility

for Offline Packages

Do in the following order listed:

  1. Open the associated execution for a test suite.
  2. From the Browser list, select Chrome or Firefox
  3. Select the Desired Capabilities checkbox.
  4. If you have selected Chrome, select the chromeOptions checkbox, select the args checkbox, and enter --headless in the associated field.
  5. If you have selected Firefox, select the firefoxOptions checkbox, select the args checkbox, and enter --headless in the associated field.
  6. Click Ok.
Using CLI Command

Do in the following order listed:

  1. Open the Command Prompt.

  2. Navigate to the location where you have saved the offline package.

  3. If you want to execute on Chrome, enter the following code:
    java -jar qualitiaoffline-xxxx.jar googleChrome.chromeOptions.args=--headless
  4. If you want to execute on Firefox, enter the following code:
    java -jar qualitiaoffline-xxxx.jar firefox.firefoxOptions.args=--headless.

Execution using X Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb) on Linux is no longer supported. You can execute test cases on headless mode on Linux using any of these methods mentioned above.  

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