Best Practices for Project Backup and Restore

Best Practices for Project Backup and Restore

Qualitia Automation Studio creates the following databases in the selected database management system (MySQL or SQL Server):

  • A Master Database that serves as an anchor for all the projects.

  • A Project Database for every project, which stores the associated project artifacts. Every Project Database is named as Projectname_projectdb.

  • A Result Database for every project, which stores the results for all the test suite executions. Every Result Database is named as Projectname_resultdb.

Best Practices

Qualitia recommends the following best practices for project backup and restore.

  • Integrate your project with a version control tool (SVN or Git).

  • Backup the database, GIT/SVN, custom actions, and reports daily.

  • Ensure that you perform the following actions while backing up a Qualitia project:

    • Back up the database, custom actions, reports, and SVN/GIT at the same time so that all the artifacts are in the same state and are synchronized with each other.

    • Ensure that no user is working while backing up the project.
      Tip: Stop the Qualitia license server temporarily to stop the users from using Qualitia.

    • Back up the constraints and triggers for the following databases:

      • Master Database

      • Project Database

      • Reports Database

    • Back up the Results folder from the Qualitia Server, which stores the Realtime Reporting data.

    • If you do not use a version control tool, ensure that you back up the following folders for every project:

      • Project Path, which stores the test cases and tasks as XML files.

      • Custom Action Repository Path, which stores the custom actions.
        Note: To know the location of these folders, from the Expand menu, click Settings >Project Settings. The location of these folders might differ for every project.

    • Back up ​the TFS folders from Qualitia Server for the projects that are integrated with the TFS/Azure DevOps projects

  • Similarly, while restoring a Qualitia project, ensure that you restore the constraints and triggers for the following databases:

    • Master Database

    • Project Database

    • Reports Database
      Note: If you restore a project without restoring its constraints and triggers, then after the project is restored, the object creation fails.

  • Before upgrading the Qualitia Automation Studio to a higher version, backup all the projects and follow all the best practices recommended for backing up and restoring the projects.


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