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A Test Case consists of steps and may contain single or multiple tasks. Each step contains an action along with its associated objects and parameters. Define the sequence of the steps in a test case that resemble the flow of a test scenario. You can add test data as per the requirements.

A test case determines whether the application under test meets the defined specifications under the given set of conditions or variables. Test cases are also created to validate if an application meets the business and functional requirements.

Before you create a test case, create a test scenario or select from available test scenarios.

A Test Case Editor screen contains buttons that you can use to add steps or execute a test case.

The following table shows the description of each button.

ButtonButton NameDescription
Create New taskTo create a new task while adding or editing a test case. You need to select a step after which you want to create the new task 
Create Tasks using the selected steps

To create a new task using the steps of the test case.

You need to select the steps. 

Import TaskTo add a task that is already created in the project. Select a step after which you want to add a task.

Detach TaskTo remove a task from the test case. You need to select the task that you want to remove.
Add Test Case StepTo add an independent test case step, that is, a step which is not part of any task.
Add Task Step

To add a step in a task.  You need to select a task in which you want to add a step.

Note: If you add a new step, ensure that the execution of all the associated test cases are not affected.  

Remove StepTo remove a step from the test case. You need to select the consecutive steps.
Add Conditional BlockTo insert a conditional statement. For more information, refer to Conditional Structure (IF-ELSE).
Move UpTo move up a selected step.
Move DownTo move down the selected step.
Start Web Recording

To start web recording on a web application under test.

Or, if a recording session is on, then this button is replaced with the Pause Web Recording button ().

Note: If you have already dry run a test case, you cannot record in the same session. You need to close the browser, open the test case, and then do the recording.

Stop Web RecordingTo stop the web recording session.

Start Mobile Recording

To start web recording on a mobile application under test.
Note: If you have already dry run a test case, you cannot record in the same session. You need to close the browser, open the test case, and then do the recording.

Stop Mobile RecordingTo stop the mobile recording session.

Add Test DataTo insert test data. For more information, refer to Adding a Test Data.

Dry RunTo dry run the test case. For more information, refer to Dry Running a Test Case.

DebugTo debug a test case. For more information, refer to Debugging a Test Case.

Debug LogsTo open the debug execution logs.
Go To LineTo go to a specific line of a test case
Previous Error

To go to the previous step, which has been identified as:

  • Deleted: The objects are deleted
  • Empty: The objects are not added.
  • New Test data:  Add with a new set of test data.
Next Error

To go to the next step, which has been identified as:

  • Deleted: The objects are deleted
  • Empty: The objects are not added.
  • New Test data:  Add with a new set of test data.

To save the test case every time you update it.

Also, you can click the arrow button to save it as another test case with a different name.

Adding or Editing

Define the sequence of the steps in a test case that resemble the flow of a test scenario.

You need to add or edit some or all the steps manually for a test case in the following situations such as:

  • To add certain actions that are not supported by Qualitia Automation Recorder.

  • To create a test case to automate testing on desktop applications.

  • To add certain General Web Actions and Mobile Actions.

  • To define conditional statements at the appropriate places.

  • To add custom actions at the appropriate places.

Before you start adding or editing steps manually, ensure that all the objects of the application under test are added in the Object Repository. For more information, refer to Working with Objects.

To add or edit a test case manually:

  1. From the Expand Menu, click Develop.

  2. On the Test Case Editor screen, from the left pane, open an existing scenario or create a scenario. For more details, refer to Working with Scenarios.

  3. You can edit or add a test case of the selected scenario:

    1. To edit a test case

      • Select a test case
        The Test Case Editor screen opens.

        If a test case is underlined with the red color, open the test case to resolve the steps that are also underlined with the red color. For more information, refer to Editing a Step Underlined with the Red Color.

    2. To add a test case

      1. On the right pane, click the New Test Case button ().

      2. Enter Test Case NameDescription, Manual TC ID, and File Name.

      3. Click OK.
        The Test Case Editor screen opens.

  4. (Optional) To add a task from the first step, click Create Task. Enter a name and description for the task, and then click OK.
    To add steps for the added task, refer to step 4.

  5. To add an independent step or a task step

    1. Click the Add Test Case Step button () to add a blank step in the Test Case Editor screen.

    2. To add an object, double-click the Object cell to open the Object Repository hierarchy, and then select an object. For more information on objects, refer to Working with Objects.
      Note: You can right-click the object and select Edit Object to edit its properties. For more information, refer to Editing an Object.
      Some Generic Actions do not require an object such as OpenURL, Maximize Browser, and so on.

    3. Double-click the Action cell and click the arrow button to select an Action.

      Note: As per the selected object, only the relevant actions are displayed. For more information, refer to Qualitia Actions.
      As per the selected action, the associated parameters in a single or multiple parameter cells are automatically displayed.

    4. Enter the relevant values for the parameters. For more information, refer to Quailtia Actions.
      Similarly, you can add more steps that you want to add to the test case.

  6. To add a task using the steps that you have defined

    1. Select the steps, Press Ctrl and select the other steps that you want to add to the task, right-click and then select Add New Task.

    2. Enter a name and description for the task, and then click OK.
      To add steps to the task, refer to step 4.

  7. To import an existing task, select a step from where you want to insert the task, click the Import Task button () from the Test Case Editor screen.
    To edit the steps for the imported task, refer to step 4.

    If you edit the steps of the imported task, ensure that there is no impact on other test cases that are using the same task. 
    The task steps have white background, whereas the independent test case steps

  8. To move a task or step to its appropriate place, select the task or step, and then click the Move Up button () or the Move Down button ().

  9. After adding or editing all the tasks and steps, click the Save button () to save the test case.

If a task step is added with test data, you need to update the same task in other associated test cases. The associated test cases and test scenarios are automatically underlined with the red color in the left pane. If you execute the associated test cases (underlined with the red color) without updating the test data, the test case execution fails.

For more information, refer to Editing a Step Underlined with the Red Color

You can now click the Run button () to dry run the test case to know whether expected results are achieved. For more information, refer to Dry Run a Test Case.

Qualitia recommends saving the test case after making every change in the test case.

You can use the following Qualitia Automation Studio features to enrich a test case:

Editing a Highlighted Step

The Test Case Editor highlights the steps that have issues with a red underline and a vertical red line next to the step number. Similarly, the associated problematic tasks, test cases, and test scenarios that need resolution are also highlighted.

You must resolve the highlighted steps to avoid test case execution failures.

The following figure shows how steps, tasks, test cases, and test scenarios are highlighted:

The highlighted steps may have one of the following problems:

  • The task step does not have test data. Add the relevant test data for that task step. For instructions on how to add test data, refer to Adding Test Data for a Test Case.
  • The step contains an empty object, which means that one or more of the object property values are blank, such as locator type and locator value. 
  • The step contains a deleted object, which is applicable for the desktop projects only. The object was deleted from the objects repository due to updates in the synchronized TSR file.

To navigate through the highlighted steps, select any step in the Test Case Editor screen, click the Next Error button () or the Previous Error button ().

About Qualitia Automation Studio Recorder

Qualitia Automation Studio Recorder automates and simplifies the process of creating test cases. It lets you record test cases for web or mobile applications, or a combination of both. The recorder captures the actions that you perform on the application as steps and stores them as objects, along with the associated actions and parameters.

You can access the Qualitia Automation Studio Recorder from the Test Case Editor screen. You can record the steps for an existing test case or for a new test case.

Qualitia Recorder does not support all the actions in this release. Before you start using the recorder, see the list of supported actions by the recorder here: Actions Supported in Qualitia Automation Studio Recorder.

Watch the video tutorial about how to record test case using test recorder here: 

Recording a Test Case for a Web Application

You can record a web application using Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. 

Before you start recording an SFDC application, refer to the information in Considerations for Recording an SFDC Application.

To record a test case for a web application:

  1. Create a new scenario or select an existing scenario that has the test case for which you want to record the steps. For instructions on how to create a scenario, see ​Creating a Scenario.

  2. Create a new empty test case or select an existing test case for which you want to record the steps.
    For instructions on how to create a test case, see ​Adding a Test Case Manually.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new test case, click the Web Recording button on the Test Case Editor screen.

    • To add new steps to an existing test case or a new test case that already has some steps, do the following:

      • To add the new steps after the last step, click the Start Web Recording button ()  on the Test Case Edition Button panel.

      • To add the new steps after a specific step, select the step, right-click and select Start Recording on Web.
        Note: If you start recording on a step that does not have an object and an action, or does not have an object and the action is set to NoOps, the recorder overrides the selected step with the recorded steps.

  4. Do the following in the order listed:

    1. Select the browser that you want to use for recording.
      Note: If you have selected Internet Explorer to record any web application for the first time, Qualitia Automation Web recorder prompts you to install the IE recorder. For instructions on how to install the IE recorder, refer to Installing the IE Recorder.

    2. Enter the URL of the web application that you want to test, in the Website URL text box.

    3. Click Start Recording.
      The recorder controls toolbar appears on the application.

  5. Start performing the actions that you want to record. Each action that you perform is recorded as a step along with the associated objects, actions, and parameters. For more information, refer to Web Actions.

  6. (Optional) Click the Expand icon () on the recorder controls toolbar to see the object actions that you can enable for recording. Enabling the actions for recording let you choose the actions associated with the objects when you click on them while recording.

  7. Select one of the following actions that you want to enable for recording.

    For Internet Explorer, the recorder controls toolbar displays the icons differently and does not provide the options to record the Browser actions.



Lets you record the Verify actions for objects.

Lets you record the Wait actions for the objects.

Lets you record the Mouseover action for the objects.

Lets you record the Keyboard actions.

Note: You can enter values for the objects that have WebEdit class, such as text boxes, even if this option is disabled.    

Lets you record the following Browser actions.

  • Navigate Back (

    ): Click to navigate to the previous page of the application under test.

  • Navigate Forward (

    ): Click to navigate to the next page of the application under test.

  • Refresh (): Click to refresh the application under test.

  • Open URL ():  Click to switch to another application under test. Enter the URL of the application you want to switch to in the Enter Web URL text box, and then click the Arrow button next to it.

    After entering the URL, do not hit Enter on your keyboard to switch to another application.

  • Delete Cookies: (): Click to delete cookies of the application under test.

Lets you customize the sequence of locator types for recording the web objects.

Select a locator type and use move up or move down arrow buttons to change the sequence.

The default sequence of the locator types for a native application is as follows:

  • Link

  • Name

  • ID

  • XPath

  • CSS


    The QAS recorder supports only the CSS locator type to record the Shadow DOM objects for web and SFDC applications.

  1. Click Pause to pause the recording at any point of time.

  2. Click Stop Recording to finish recording the test case. All the steps that you performed are stored as steps under a single task that you selected.

You can now use the Test Case Editor to group the steps under separate tasks. Simply select the test case step you want to convert to Task, right-click and select Add New Task, enter a name and description and then click OK.

Considerations for Recording an SFDC Application

Recording an SFDC application is mostly similar to recording a web application. There are minor differences between these two types of recordings, which are as follows:

  • Qualitia recommends that you record test cases for SFDC applications using an SFDC project only as an SFDC project enables you to add the pre-defined SFDC Actions and SFDC specific objects.

  • You must record an SFDC application using Firefox or Google Chrome only.

  • QAS SFDC Application recorder uses the locator types in the following sequence, which cannot be customized:

    • SFDC:Label

    • XPath

  • Currently, SFDC projects do not support Wait Actions for SFDC objects. Hence, the Wait Action button in the Recording Toolbar does not allow you to add the Wait Actions for SFDC Objects.

  • You can also record the associated web and mobile applications in an SFDC project.

  • The QAS Recorder identifies the web objects and adds them automatically in the following cases:

    • Recording certain SFDC components that are not yet defined in the rules set for identifying SFDC objects.

    • Recording a customized SFDC page that uses web objects.

    • Recording an associated web application.

Recording a Test Case for a Mobile Application

Qualitia Mobile Recorder enables you to record test cases on a mobile application. It supports Android and iOS platforms and works with most of the popular mobile brands. You can record a mobile application in an environment that can be a virtual device (Emulator or Simulator), or a real device.

Before you begin recording a test case, ensure that you have to:

To record a test case for a mobile application:

  1. Create a new scenario or select an existing scenario that has the test case for which you want to record the steps. For instructions on how to create a scenario, see Creating a Scenario.

  2. Create a new empty test case or select an existing test case for which you want to record the steps.
    For instructions on how to create a test case, see Creating a Test Case Manually.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new test case, click the Start Mobile Recording button on the Test Case Editor screen.

    • To add new steps to an existing test case or a new test case that already has some steps, do the following:

      • To add the new steps after the last step, click the Record button on the Test Case Edition Button panel.

      • To add the new steps after a specific step, select the step, right-click and select Start Recording on Mobile.
        Note: If you start recording on a step that does not have an object and an action, or does not have an object and the action is set to NoOps, the recorder overrides the selected step with the recorded steps.

  4. Do the following in the order listed:

    1. Click the Mobile Recorder tab.

    2. Select the browser that you want to use for recording.

    3. Click Start Recording.
      The Mobile Recording Platform opens in the selected browser.

  1. Click CONNECT to connect to the appropriate environment.

  2. Do one of the following:

    To launch a native/ hybrid application

    Do one of the following:

    • To select an application that is already installed, from the Select an application drop-down list, select the appropriate application, and then click the Arrow button.

    • To install a new application, under Install New, enter the path of the mobile application package, and then click Install. After installing the application, from the Select an application drop-down list, select the application, and then click the Arrow button.

    To launch a web view application

    Click the Provide Web URL button, enter the mobile application URL, and then click the Arrow button.

    The recorder controls toolbar appears on the screen.

    1. Start performing the actions that you want to record. Each action that you perform is recorded as a step along with the associated objects, actions, and parameters. For more information, refer to Mobile Actions.
      Note: While recording a mobile web application, Qualitia recommends to keep the size of the browser as 100%. If you Zoom In or Zoom Out the browser, the UI may distort, which makes it difficult to identify the objects.

    2. Click the Click the Expand icon () icon on the recorder controls toolbar to see the object actions that you can enable for recording.

      Enabling the actions for recording let you choose the actions associated with the objects when you click on them while testing. Select one of the following actions that you want to enable for recording.

      Recording Panel ButtonDescription

      Lets you record verify actions for an object.

      Lets you record wait actions for an object.

      Lets you enter texts in text boxes.

      Lets you remove texts from text boxes.

      Lets you customize the sequence of locator types for recording the mobile objects.

      Select a locator type and use move up or move down arrow buttons to change the sequence.

      The default sequence of the locator types is as follows:

      • UiAutomator

      • ID

      • Accessibility ID

      • Class

      • XPath

      The default sequence of the locator types for a mobile web application is as follows:

      • Link

      • Name

      • ID

      • XPath

      • CSS

      1. Click Pause to pause the recording at any point of time.

      2. Click Stop to finish recording the test case.

You can now use the Test Case Editor to group the steps under separate tasks. Simply select the test case step you want to convert to Task, right-click and select Add New Task, enter a name and description and then click OK.

Recording a Mixed Test Case for Web and Mobile Application

You can record a single test case to capture steps on both mobile and web applications. For example, to log in to a banking web application, you need an OTP that you receive on your mobile application.

You can start recording on an application type, pause the recording, and then switch to continue recording on another application type.

A combination of mobile web application and mobile native or hybrid application is not supported.

To record a mixed test case for web and mobile application:

  1. You can start recording on a web or a mobile application:

    1. To start recording on a web application, refer to ​Recording a Test Case for a Web Application.

    2. To start recording on a mobile application, refer to ​Recording a Test Case for a Mobile Application.

  2. To switch to another application type, from the Test Case Editor screen, select a step from where you want to record, right-click and then select Start or Continue Recording from the appropriate application type.
    The subsequent steps are added from that step.

  3. Click Save to save the recorded steps.
    W denotes that the steps are recorded on a web application and M denotes that the steps are recorded on a mobile application.

  4. Click Stop to finish recording the test case.

You can now use the Test Case Editor to group the steps under separate tasks. Simply select the steps that you want to add to a new group, right-click and select Add New Task, enter a name and description and then click OK. A task too can be formed containing steps related to web and mobile application testing.

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