Versions Compared


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The supported Browsers and their respective versions depend on the Appium version that is being used.

Here is the list of supported browsers and platforms for Mobile test automation. 

Supported Browsers




PlatformsNative BrowserChromeFirefoxSafari




Anchor_Toc474777460_Toc474777460 Anchor_Toc474777566_Toc474777566 Anchor_Toc474853171_Toc474853171 Anchor_Toc474853372_Toc474853372 Anchor_Toc474777461_Toc474777461 Anchor_Toc474777567_Toc474777567 Anchor_Toc474853172_Toc474853172 Anchor_Toc474853373_Toc474853373In order to test web applications, you need to first download and install the respective browser versions on your Windows or Mac Computer. Below is the list of browsers and required list of drivers for reference.

It is recommended to refer to the respective websites for more information about latest browsers and driver versions. The list provided here is for reference only. 

Browser Name / VersionDriver Version Required
Internet Explorer
IE 6 and 7IEDriver 2.42*
Google Chrome
53 and abovechromedriver 2.25
49 - 52chromedriver 2.22
43 - 48chromedriver 2.20
42 and belowchromedriver 2.10
Mozilla Firefox
47 and above Selenium 3.0.1
39 - 46  Selenium 3.0.1
38 & below Selenium 3.0.1
7 - 9 Selenium 2.48.0
10 SafariDriver by Apple