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(v9.0) QAS Client

QAS Client Prerequisites for Windows

Here’s a list of hardware and software requirements for windows before you can get started.

Hardware Requirements

  1. Processor: Intel Core i5 64-bit or equivalent server processor and higher

  2. RAM: 16 GB or higher  

  3. Disk Space: 500 GB or more  

Software Requirements

  1. Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 10x or later. Only 64-bit version of the following operating systems are supported.

  2. Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and later.

  3. Java: Java 8 JDK (64 bits) or higher  

Privileges Required

Local Administrator privileges (for installation of Qualitia Server)

Communication Ports TCP (Inbound)

The following list indicates the communication ports for each component:

8889: Qualitia License Service

8887: Qualitia Web Service

QAS Client Prerequisites for Mac

Here’s a list of hardware and software requirements before you can get started.

Hardware Requirements

  1. Processor: MacBook Pro (Intel based) 2019 and later, MacBook Pro (ARM based) M1 and later

  2. RAM: 16 GB or higher  

Software Requirements

  1. Operating System: macOS 12 and later

  2. Xcode (for simulators)

  3. Android Studio (for emulators)

  4. Java: Java 8 JDK (64 bits)

Privileges Required

Local Administrator privileges (for installation of Qualitia Server)

