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(v9.0) Building Blocks

Welcome to the foundational elements of Qualitia Automation Studio (QAS). As a comprehensive test automation platform, QAS is designed with a range of features and functionalities that simplify and streamline the testing process. Whether you're a decision-maker considering Qualitia for your organization, or an SDET looking to enhance your testing capabilities, understanding these building blocks is the first step towards leveraging the full potential of Qualitia.

  • Objects: They are the fundamental elements that represent the various components of your application under test. These could be buttons, text boxes, dropdown menus, or any other user interface elements. QAS’s object identification mechanism is robust and intuitive, making it easy to interact with these objects during test creation and execution.

  • Actions: They represent the operations that can be performed on objects. These could include clicking a button, entering text into a field, selecting an item from a dropdown menu, and so on. Qualitia provides a wide range of predefined actions, simplifying the process of defining the steps in your test cases.

  • Events: Events in Qualitia are used to handle dynamic changes that occur in the application during test execution. They allow you to define how your test cases should respond to these changes, ensuring that your tests can handle a wide range of scenarios.

  • Test Data Management: Test data management in Qualitia is about managing and manipulating the data that is used in your test cases. Qualitia provides features for defining, importing, and managing test data, ensuring that your tests are not only robust but also flexible.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into each of these building blocks, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how they work and how they can enhance your test automation efforts. By understanding these basic building blocks, you'll be well-equipped to leverage the full potential of Qualitia Automation Studio.
