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Initiating Mobile Object Spy and AUT

Upon successfully completing the installation of the Mobile Object Spy server and agent, the Mobile Object Spy can be readily launched using any browser on any machine within your network. To access the Mobile Object Spy, use the designated Mobile Object Spy Server URL. This URL consists of the hostname or IP address of the server where the Mobile Object Spy server is installed, paired with port 4001.

For instance, your URL might appear as or http://localhost:4001 if the Mobile Object Spy server is locally installed.

To launch the Mobile Object Spy, follow these steps:

  1. Open your preferred browser.

  2. Enter Mobile Object Spy URL.

  3. Input Qualitia Server URL. Qualitia Server URL, much like Mobile Object Spy URL, is a combination of the hostname or IP address of the server where the Qualitia Server is installed, paired with port 8887. A sample URL might appear as or http://localhost:8887 if the Mobile Object Spy server is locally installed.

  4. Provide your Qualitia username and Password.

  5. Click Sign in.

  6. Select Qualitia Project where you intend to add newly inspected objects, and then click Sign in.

After launching the Mobile Object Spy, you can filter the devices based on device type (emulator/simulator, real), OS version, connected agent, and so forth. You can then connect to the mobile device of your choice and start adding new objects from the application you're testing.

Locator Priority Settings for Mobile Object Spy

The default sequence for Mobile Object Spy for a native application is as follows:

  1. UiAutomator

  2. ID

  3. Accessibility ID

  4. Class

  5. XPath

For a web application, the default sequence is:

  1. Link

  2. Name

  3. ID

  4. XPath

  5. CSS

Feel free to adjust this sequence to suit your testing needs.

Launching a Mobile Device and Application Under Test

Launching Devices Once you're signed into Mobile Object Spy, you can select a device from available list to launch and add objects from the application under test. Mobile Object Spy displays all devices connected to all agents, including real devices, emulators, and simulators.

💡It's generally recommended to use a single simulator/emulator per agent while working with Mobile Object Spy. However, you can simultaneously use multiple real devices without issue.

To launch a mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Mobile Object Spy in any browser using the Mobile Object Spy URL. A sample URL might look like: or http://localhost:4001.

  2. Enter

    1. Qualitia Server URL

    2. User ID

    3. Password.

  3. A sample URL might look like: or http://localhost:8887.

  4. Select Qualitia project where you want to add new objects.

  5. You'll see all real devices connected to Mobile Object Spy agents, along with emulators or simulators. For more information on creating emulators/simulators using Android Studio or XCode, click here

  6. Click

  7. Boot and Connect to boot device and launch it to spy on objects. This option is only available for emulators/simulators.

  8. Click Connect to launch the real device connected to the Mobile Object Spy agent or an already started emulator/simulator.

Ensure that the default browser on the real device is set to Google Chrome. Bear in mind that one mobile device can only be accessed by one user at a time. If a device is currently being used by another user, its status will be displayed as Busy.

Launching or Installing an Application Under Test

After launching the Mobile Object Spy and connecting to the desired real device or emulator/simulator, you can start adding objects from the application under test.

You first need to launch or install the application under test on the mobile device from which you intend to add new objects. Qualitia provides a facility to install the application under test directly from the Mobile Object Spy.

To launch an application under test, follow these steps:

  1. On Mobile Object Spy, connect to the desired device.

  2. You have three options for launching an application:

    1. To launch an already installed application, select it from the dropdown list.

    2. To install an application, select the .app, .ipa or .apk file from your local directory and click Install.

    3. To add objects from web, input the Web URL.

  3. Click Launch to start the application.

