A new version of Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile 7.2.x is now available. We highly recommend you upgrade. Find more details here.
Web Services Actions (Beta)
This action executes the specified REST request and downloads the file with the raw data.
You can store the information related to HTTP Status, HTTP RESPONSE TIME, and Header into the variable and use these values to develop test case flow after executing this action.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
URL | Enter the complete REST URL. | Yes | String |
RequestMethod | Enter the method you want to execute on the API url mentioned above. | Yes | String |
RequestDataFile | Enter the absolute path to the file which has REST request related information in the JSON format. In this file, you can enter the details which you want to Get, Push and so forth. | No | String |
ResultJsonFile | Enter the absolute path to the file in which you want to store the REST result. | No | String |
UserCredentials | Enter the username and password to authenticate while executing the the REST request. Qualitia supports Basic authentication type only. Use the semicolon (;) sign to separate username and password. | No | String |
DownloadLocation | Enter the folder location where you want to download the requested data in raw format. | No | String |
RequestHeaders | Enter the request headers you want to pass when executing the REST request. Multiple headers should be separated by semicolon (;). | No | String |
waitTime | Enter how much time you want to wait (in seconds) for executing the request. | No | String |
Sslverification | You can use this parameter to enable or disable the SSL certificate verification while executing this service.
| No | String |
REST.ExecuteAPIServiceAndDownloadWithRawData “https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT_NUMBER>/<REST_URL>” "POST” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Request-Cust_List.json” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Response-Cust_List.json” "john.doe@gmail.com;john.doe@123” "C:\Users\Qualitia" "60" "True"
This action executes the specified REST request with the help of raw data. This raw data either can be given manually or taken from the variable.
You can also store the information related to HTTP Status, HTTP REQUEST TIME, and Header into the variable and use these values to develop test case flow after executing this action.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
URL | Enter the complete REST URL. | Yes | String |
RequestMethod | Enter the method you want to execute on the API url mentioned above. | Yes | String |
RequestDataFile | Enter the absolute path to the file which has REST request related information in the JSON format. In this file, you can enter the details which you want to Get, Push and so forth. | No | String |
ResultJsonFile | Enter the absolute path to the file in which you want to store the REST result. | No | String |
UserCredentials | Enter the username and password to authenticate while executing the the REST request. Qualitia supports Basic authentication type only. Use the semicolon (;) sign to separate username and password. | No | String |
RequestHeaders | Enter the request headers you want to pass when executing the REST request. Multiple headers should be separated by semicolon (;). | No | String |
waitTime | Enter how much time you want to wait (in seconds) for executing the request. | No | String |
Sslverification | You can use this parameter to enable or disable the SSL certificate verification while executing this service.
| No | String |
REST.ExecuteAPIServiceWithRawData “https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT_NUMBER>/<REST_URL>” "POST” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Request-Cust_List.json” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Response-Cust_List.json” "john.doe@gmail.com;john.doe@123” "60" "True"
This action executes the specified REST request with the help of form-data. The form-data can contain one or multiple sets of key-value pairs which will eventually help in executing the specified request method.
You can also store the information related to HTTP Status, HTTP REQUEST TIME, and Header into the variable and use these values to develop test case flow after executing this action.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
URL | Enter the complete REST URL. | Yes | String |
RequestMethod | Enter the method you want to execute on the API url mentioned above. | Yes | String |
RequestDataFile | Enter the key value pairs of the form data to be used while executing the service. Multiple pairs should be separated by comma. If you want to use file to provide form data, add all the form data in some file and provide absolute path to that file as a parameter. | No | String |
ResultJsonFile | Enter the absolute path to the file in which you want to store the REST result. | No | String |
UserCredentials | Enter the username and password to authenticate while executing the the REST request. Qualitia supports Basic authentication type only. Use the semicolon (;) sign to separate username and password. | No | String |
RequestHeaders | Enter the request headers you want to pass when executing the REST request. Multiple headers should be separated by semicolon (;). | No | String |
waitTime | Enter how much time you want to wait (in seconds) for executing the request. | No | String |
Sslverification | You can use this parameter to enable or disable the SSL certificate verification while executing this service.
| No | String |
REST.ExecuteAPIServiceWithFormData “https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT_NUMBER>/<REST_URL>” "POST” “"File"="C:\Users\Qualitia\Request-Cust_List.json"” “C:\Users\Qualitia\Response-Cust_List.json” "john.doe@gmail.com;john.doe@123” "60" "True"
This action stores the data from the specified line number from the flat file under the key. The key value then can be retrieved using the key name.
Input Parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Mandatory | Data Type |
FilePath | Enter the absolute path to the file from which you want to get the data. | Yes | String |
lineNumber | Enter the line number from which you want to get and store the data. | Yes | Integer |
key | Enter the key under which you want to store the data. | Yes | String |
File.StoreTextByLineNumber “C:\Users\Qualitia\Request-Cust_List.txt” "8" "Cust_Name-1"