Removing Multiple Objects

Removing Multiple Objects

Qualitia allows you to remove objects which may have outlived their utility. You may want to remove objects that are redundant. Removing unwanted objects also helps in maintaining the Object Repository.
You can remove DP objects from Qualitia. For removing obsolete OR objects, Qualitia users need to access respective tsr file using Object Repository Manager of HPE UFT.

To remove multiple objects:

  1. Click Develop > Objects.
  2. Select the parent of the object which you want to remove.
    The details of the selected object are displayed on the right pane of the Objects screen.
  3. On the right pane, select the object which you want to remove and then click Remove.
    Qualitia asks for confirmation about the deletion of the required object.
  4. Click Yes.


  • You can remove only the unused objects.

  • If you remove a parent object, then all the child objects under the parent object are also removed.

  • Upon removal, the object is no longer available for use. The object is also removed from the Object Repository.

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