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Skip Feature

You can select a single step or multiple steps to perform skip or unskip on development and Task views. You can skip step(s) with right mouse click on a step and then click Skip from the context menu. You can press Ctrl + k to perform skip or unskip.

Skipped steps are skipped during execution and are not shown on debugger view as well as on execution reports.

The following are examples of skipped steps and tasks in the Development view.

Skipped steps on Debugger view.


  • Skip and Unskip is a toggle context menu. Ctrl+k is also a toggle shortcut key.
  • After you select step(s) to skip, validation will start immediately.  If validation result is successful, it will skip the selected step(s) successfully. Otherwise appropriate error message/action will be shown/performed.     
  • TestData is not shown for skipped step(s) on Development window.

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