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⬆️Upload Multiple Suite Execution Reports

You can multiple suite execution reports to the Real Time Reporting portal all at once using the Qualitia Offline Jar file. You can do this in two ways:

  1. From Your Computer: If your computer's connection to the Qualitia Server is steady and it contains all the test suite execution reports you want to upload, you can upload directly.

  2. From the Qualitia Server: Use this to speed up the upload, since there is no risk of network failures.


Before uploading, ensure none of the reports are:

  • Already available on the Real-Time Reporting portal, unless they were aborted due to network issues.

  • Incomplete because the suite execution is still in progress.

  • Created with a QAS version lower than 8.0.

  • In a system that has an offline package.

    • If you have the QAS client, you can create an offline package.

  • In a Qualitia server that has less than 10% drive space.

    • In such case, you can request QAS Admin to delete old reports.

Upload Reports

To upload multiple suite execution reports:

  1. Create a folder from where you will upload the reports.

  2. Copy each suite execution report folder (ITR_xxx) you want to upload into this new folder.

  3. Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the folder with the Qualitia offline jar.

  4. Enter the following command: java -jar qualitiaoffline-8.6.x.jar UploadReport=true QualitiaServerURL="<Qualitia_Server_URL>" ReportPath="<Report_Path>" allowScreenshots="Yes".

    1. In this command:

      1. QualitiaServerURL is your Qualitia Server's URL.

      2. ReportPath is the location of your new folder with the suite execution reports.

      3. allowScreenshots decides whether you want to upload the screenshots with the reports. Enter Yes to upload them or No to skip. 

  5. Press Enter to start uploading the reports.

    1. You can see the upload progress for each report, in percentage.

    2. When a report is uploaded successfully, it is removed from the Reports folder and you can see a confirmation message.

    3. If a report upload fails, you will get a failure message.

If you're uploading from the Qualitia server, you do not need to specify allowScreenshots="Yes". Screenshots are uploaded by default if you do not enter the allowScreenshots parameter.

