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Update Windows Installation

Update QAS- Server

  1. From the location where your workspace exists, navigate to the folder called workspace > data and open the settings.yaml file.

  2. In this file, you can see two options for AutoUpdate:

    1. QASInstallerLink: This is the URL from where can pull the latest update.

    2. QASinstallerDownloadInterval: This is a numeric field displayed in hours. Based on the set interval, the QAS server checks for updates. By default, this is set to a maximum of 12 hours, meaning that Qualitia server will be polled for updates every 12 hours. The interval begins from the time the QAS server is installed on your machine.

  3. If there is an update available, then the update zip file will be available at workspace > installerUpdates folder.

  4. When an update is available in the folder, QAS Server portal shows an Auto-Update banner Qualitia Server 9.x.x available, with an Update button.

  5. By clicking Update, you are promoted to confirm the consenting to update. Click Continue to proceed; otherwise, click Cancel.

  6. You are directed to a server-update-in-progress screen, where you can also view the estimated time to complete the process.

  7. Once installation is complete, you are directed to the Setup screen for QAS Server portal.

In case of a failure, the updates folder, backed up before the installation begins, will be restored to prevent any data loss.

Update Qualitia Automation Studio - Client

  1. One the server is updated, all open QAS clients (except those marked “stay opened”) will receive a message to install the latest version.

    1. This step is mandatory and must be completed before using the client for any automation activities.

  2. Click Update Now to proceed with the update.

  3. The files necessary for the client installation gets downloaded, and you can see a progress bar indicating the download status. Once the files are downloaded, you will get the message “Please wait while Windows configures Qualitia Automation Studio - Client”.

  4. You will also see a progress bar that indicates:

    1. The configuration

    2. Getting requirements

    3. Removing the older version

🔧 Got a problem? Let’s fix!

  1.  Another version of QAS Client already exists.

    1. Remedy: In case of an existing version corrupted, clicking on the QAS client installer located in the server workspace > updates > clients > windows folder, you will be prompted to either repair or remove the existing version.

      1. To Repair, click Repair icon.

        1. After clicking on Repair, you will see a progress bar.

        2. Once done you will see a finish screen, click Finish to close the installer.

      2. To uninstall, click Remove icon.

        1. Click Remove button. You will see a progress bar indicating the uninstallation.

        2. Once removed you will get a confirmation message that Qualitia Automation Studio 9.x.x is uninstalled successfully.

        3. If you are not sure on the action and you don’t want to perform any actions, click Cancel.

        4. To go back to the previous screen, click Back.

  2. In the scenarios where the user needs to connect QAS client to multiple QAS Servers and one of the Servers got updated and the other one in old version. The client will not connect it will display an error window with a message.

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